Are you indecisive? Do you wish your subconscious would just tell you the answer you’re looking for? Which restaurant should you go to for dinner? Is this the best thing for me right now? Should I choose option a or option b?

Divination can help you with all of these things. You could of course pull some tarot cards or read some tea leaves, but let’s say you’re in the middle of a store trying to decide if you reeeeeally need that thing you want to buy. You can’t exactly have a seat on the floor and bust out your tarot cards or grab a crystal ball and start scrying (don’t tempt me, I know I know). One thing you can however do, is grab a pendulum or a necklace and use it as a pendulum to help aid you in your decision making process.

There are several different types of pendulums out there! Check out the video to see what kinds there are and how you would go about choosing one for yourself if you are interested in learning more about pendulums and check out the blog post next week for the next part of the pendulum series where we talk about programing your pendulum!



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