About Us

In the words of Aunt Frances Owens: My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage!

The truth is you don’t have to feel guilty about wanting more from your already good life. You can create an authentic and deeply connected spiritual practice that just feels right and become confident in creating the life you desire to be living. We’ll help with our one-two punch of metaphysics and mindset framework that’ll leave you dancing on the grave of the stifling expectations and procrastination that once held you back. You’ve always felt different, now it’s time to remember you were born magic. Let’s go!

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Our Expertise

I’m Sara Walka (pictured left), Certified Life & ADHD Coach, Life Alignment Expert, Executive Function Skills Expert, Masters in Education, and Positive Discipline Educator. Bought my first tarot deck over 20 years ago.

In 2016 I founded The Sisters Enchanted with my sister, Anna Tower (tarot & mythology expert, Certified Astrologer, and over ten years experience in health and wellness).

Since then, we’ve helped thousands and thousands of people make great change in their lives. But, we noticed one thing: The people who focused more on learning the SKILLS of modern mysticism (like how to read tarot, how to work with the moon, and how to make a crystal grid) rather than how to expand their capacity for joy, relaxation, and abundance using the tools as support, didn’t see change in their lives. The ‘how’ and ‘doing it right’ of the tool is not the path to an aligned and authentic life. 

We found that the perfect mix of personal growth and sacred seeing and modern mysticism is what will burst a person wide open so they can craft a life they never even thought to imagine.

I know I’m not the only one who looks around one day and just doesn’t understand how life came to be the way it is. I know I’m not the only one who logically  knows I’m a smart person and doesn’t understand how such a smart, capable person could let it come to this (whatever ‘this’ is at any point in time). I know I’m not the only one who has cried a puddle of tears and then realized it was time to mop the floor, hiding the evidence of a moment of weakness, pushing it back down to be dealt with another day. 

I wasn’t the only one, and you aren’t either.

You were born with the skills to live with intention, intuition, and everyday magic. You were born to create. It’s time to remember. 

Our Values

We value leading with kindness and believe in building a longer table. 

We are time intentional and know that time is our most precious resource. 

We prioritize personal vitality so we have the capacity to serve our community, ourselves, and our families.  

We know everyone is more capable than they realize, take personal responsibility, and demonstrate resourcefulness. 

If you’re looking for a community and teachers that are funny, casual, but with just the right amount of ass-kickery when needed, you’ll like it here. 

Note: We speak to the experience of womanhood and do not align with a religious doctrine and are welcoming and affirming to all people who lead with kindness. 


Our Team


Head Magic Maker


Head of Students


Customer Service



























“I‘m glad I took a chance on myself each time a new opportunity was presented and thankful that you made everything so comfortable and easy. There was no pressure to do it right or on time which allowed me to keep taking chances on myself and growing.”


“I have always procrastinated and had fears of confrontation. Through the shadow work done in the Holistic Witchery program I found out why. It was so simple and in front of my face and if I hadn’t done that class I never would have known and wouldn’t have stood up for myself.”


“Things changed for me when it came to  shadow work in Holistic Witchery. Changing the inner narrative and re-writing that story was a life changing moment for me. I was able to see exactly where my trouble was stemming from, put it in my own words and see things differently going forward.




Holistic Witchery is the program for women standing at the doorway to their next life chapter who are dreading more of the same but feel guilty wanting something different. They’ve always felt different and are ready to explore all this –stuff– that just feels right.