So Many Versions Of The Same Spread!

If you’ve spent any amount of time searching the internet or flipping through books looking for Tarot spreads, you may have noticed that there are often sooo many variations of the same spread! While this may seem like more work and add confusion to an already...

How To Find Magic

Magic. What is magic? Is it real? Where do you find it? To me that is a simple question, with a simple answer. Magic is in everything. And, it’s everywhere. It’s in nature. It’s in the butterflies and the lightening bugs. It’s in the flowers and the rain. It’s now in...

Take Back Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde can seriously wreak havoc on our lives. But, that doesn’t mean you have to give up your power! YOU are still in the driver’s seat of YOUR life. Check out this video for more! Next time Mercury goes Retrograde take back your power and...