Moon Magic Series Week 3

Have you started a goal but then a year later you realize you never really did anything to make that goal happen? Thankfully using the lunar cycles not only gives you the opportunity to restart your goals and intentions each and every month, but it also helps us keep...

Moon Phases Series Video 2

Are you a good witch or a bad witch? Answer, we have both light and dark. Masculine and feminine. Solar and Lunar. When it comes to setting your intentions, there are both physical tasks or solar goals but also intentions that are more how it is going to feel when it...

Moon Phases Series Week 1

Have you ever wondered why witches are so obsessed with the moon? Why do we track it? What do we track with it? What does it all meeeaaaannn?!? There are eight phases and each one represents certain energies and helps us to track our intentions and set goals. The...

Everyday Magic Series: Week 4&5

So, if you haven’t noticed, we skipped a week. In true technological fashion. there were some technical difficulties and it will only work on Facebook, so here is the link . Once you have had a chance to watch that, let’s move on! You can’t have a...

Everyday Magic Series: Week 2

Love the idea of creating a sacred space, but worried about your home screaming “WIIIITCH”? For some of us, this is no problem, Halloween decorations up all year is totally fine in our books, but sometimes we like to keep our witchy side a little more in...