Mercury RX in Scorpio

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio & Tarot Spread Trick or Treat!         It’s that trickster Hermes knocking on your door with another Mercury Retrograde, and right here on Halloween.        Typically we would slink back in fear as Mercury Retrograde makes us...


Lunar Samhain is sometimes considered to be the New Moon in Scorpio and sometimes the Full Moon closest to the calendar day of Samhain, October 31. Some in the Celtic tradition consider this to be the Witches’ New Year while others consider Yule to be the New Year. ...

Steps to Becoming a Business Witch

      The other day I sat down and did a quick internet search around self-employment statistics here in the United States and saw that about 33% of people are self-employed! And, about 70% wished they had more control over their career and more flexibility in their...

Planning, Prophecies, and Potions

Planning:       How many times have you set a goal only to have the whole thing pass you by and never actually accomplish it? This happens to EVERYONE at some point in life and it’s a safe bet that there wasn’t a super solid plan in place to actually make that thing...