Lughnassadh 2021

Lughnassadh, or Lammas is the festival that marks the beginning of the harvest, halfway between Litha (the Summer Solstice) and Mabon (the Autumn Equinox). Typically, it is celebrated on or around August 1st using today’s modern calendar in the Northern...

Full Moon in Aquarius

The full moon is once again upon us, friends! This coming full moon is in Aquarius, an air sign. Air signs can be characteristic of the gathering of intelligence, and Aquarius specifically values the knowledge of the group over the knowledge of the individual. You may...

Why Most Intentions Fail

You’ve set an intention and you feel like you are doing everything right, but nothing is coming of it. That is totally frustrating and can make you want to step away from your practice because, what’s the point if its not working? We get that. Why aren’t your...

New Moon in Cancer

Nurturing your inner crab The New Moon is a super amazing time to step back and look at yourself. It’s a time to analyze what it is you’re doing to live your life full of intention. Those who consider themselves the nurturers, the “mom friends” might especially be...