Reclaiming Magic with Meghan O’Malley

Betraying yourself, writing new stories, and finding everyday magic with special guest Meghan O’Malley! Leave inspired to investigate where you are chronically betraying yourself and start moving into being your own greatest ally.  And, you can find...

Gemini New Moon 2022

The Gemini New Moon 2022 arrives on May 30 and brings us into a fresh lunar cycle.  What intentions are you setting this cycle?  Use this card spread to help you get clear on your vision for the days ahead: Use this card spread as journal prompts or use your favorite...

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

The May 30 New Moon in Gemini is time to get curious, plan new experiences and share your ideas with others. You may begin to feel your thoughts are under scrutiny at the end of the week, when Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius. This will challenge you to face your...

How To Deal With Self Doubt

Self-doubt lives and breathes within each one of us, but why? In this episode of Expedition to Soul you’ll hear about the two foundational pieces to conquering self-doubt and exactly what it has to do with your magic and manifesting practice. Discussion points...

How to Style a Crystal Ring and Max Your Magic

Think for a minute what you do with your hands every day? From the moment you wake up, your hands are engaged in self-care, care for others, feeding and nourishing ourselves and others, cleansing, cleaning, greeting and communicating with others, carrying out your...