Jupiter Retrograde in Aries and Pisces

Jupiter joins  Mercury , Saturn and Neptune in retrograde this week.    That’s four planets in retrograde right! But hold onto your hats because, by September, we will have seven planets in retrograde! Of course, that doesn’t mean that all these planets are...

Venus Sextile Mars

This week we have Venus Sextile Mars. This is one of the best times for romance and socializing as Venus, the planet of desire and beauty flows freely with Mars, the planet of assertiveness, confidence. This creates the perfect blend of sass, sexiness and affection...

Anyone Can Journal

Anyone Can Journal If you write even just one sentence, period, you have got your thinking process going.  One sentence will unlock your creative juices or your thoughts and just get you thinking in a different way. Get any rules you have heard about journaling  out...

Five Tips On Working with a Sun Deity

 Five Tips To On Working with a Sun Deity The Sun is the bestower of light and life to everything on Earth. Solar deities reflect the archetype of the Sun –  sovereign and all-seeing.  They reflect powerful energies within us, such as our inner light, wisdom,...

Leo New Moon

The Leo New Moon is a bold one and a great time for intentions around fun, leisure and creativity. Leo’s optimism may feel short lived this week however, as Jupiter goes retrograde at the same time. This can make you feel frustrated about your opportunities and your...