Cancer Full Moon

The Moon is the ruler of our emotions and any Full Moon can bring about some big feelings and have us feel pretty raw. When the Moon is Full in its own sign, Cancer, this can be especially so!  It is important to remember that it is totally OK to feel and to be...

Word of the Year 2023

Expedition to Soul Episode 81: My Word of the Year for 2023 In this episode you’ll hear: Why you shouldn’t start your year ahead visioning with a vision board How connecting to the vision of someone else won’t help you create the life you want Why my...

Why We Fail to Achieve Goals

In this week’s Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sara Walka, founder and Head Magic Maker here at The Sisters Enchanted, explains how most goals fail, why you need both Lunar intentions and Solar goals to give yourself the best chance in realizing yours and why this week,...

When did you stop believing?

In this week’s Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sara Walka, Head Magic Maker and Founder of The Sister’s Enchanted, was joined by her real-life sister and Co-Founder, Anna Tower to talk about belief and moments in which belief stops. Can you recall any moments in which you...