“…dances on the edge of magic and logic, animal and human, the conscious and subconscious mind. Drawing inspiration from the edge while still moving forward on the Fool’s journey—that is Linestriding.”
― Siolo Thompson, The Linestrider Tarot

I distinctly remember going to the bookstore as a kid and given the opportunity to choose any book that I wanted. I immediately found a book for kids about ESP (extrasensory perception). The title had something to do with reading your parents’ minds. I was so fascinated and wanted nothing more than to be a mind reader! My 9 year old self wanted nothing more than to just KNOW things.
What was crazy was that I did, in fact, already know things. What I didn’t know was to trust what I was knowing as true and valid.
As we move through the world around us we are forced to be present, be reactive, and are thrust fully into all the pinterest-perfect-life-choice sort of things that we are told to do. This is a recipe for leaving our psychic selves in the dust, even if we had super strong psychic intuitive muscles as children.
So, what’s a person to do?
I’ve got 3 tips for you to help you tap back into your psychic self and start receiving, knowing, and believing.
First up, start to listen to the natural world around you and get to know the elements. I’m not saying that you have to run outside barefoot right now, at this very moment (although it probably wouldn’t hurt!), but spending some time in nature and leaning into the air, earth, fire, and water around and within you will help to bring you back to center and clear your energy of clutter. In our Color Yourself Witchy guide we give you some ideas as to how to do this!
Second, look fear straight in the eye. It’s quite often fear that holds us back from developing our psychic skills. In our Enchanted Journey community we have been studying psychic skills and I asked the students to pose two questions to themselves: 1. What’s the worst that can happen? 2. What’s the best that can happen? If you were to fully believe in your ability to receive and know as a psychic, what’s the best and worst that could happen? This discussion around fear is incredibly important in moving past any subconscious blocks that you may have around your psychic skills.
Third, trust and believe. At the end of the day it requires trust in yourself, trust in the little words dancing through your thoughts, trust in the gut feeling that you’ve been ignoring. Believe that you are a conduit for receiving messages and seeing the unseen. Take a deep breath and pause when you think you are stumbling into a thought or find yourself choosing the path that is contrary to the one that your instinct is telling you to take. Take note of those moments that make you say, “I freaking knew it!”. Lean into those and allow them to be the strong foundation for your psychic skills journey as you move forward and open yourself to receive.
Walk the line between your conscious self and your subconscious self and open up to the possibility that what you are seeking is right there waiting to be found.
Want to learn more about developing your Psychic Skills? Join us in An Enchanted Journey and dive into our Psychic Skills series of lessons available right now.
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