5 Tarot Decks for
One of the fabulous, and sometimes terribly overwhelming, benefits of reading Tarot is the fact that there is a crazy amount of artwork and perspective to choose from when purchasing and using different card decks.
One way to get your collection of decks off the shelf and into use is to work with different decks as the Wheel of The Year turns.
Let’s look at 5 decks that are well suited for the emergence of Ostara!

The Wildwood Tarot
This is a non-traditional deck and one may argue it may be a bit dark in tone for Ostara. But, it’s Druid-y theme pulls you into the wilderness and gets you in touch with that sun/source energy that we crave around Ostara.

The Ostara Tarot
Created by 4 different artists, this deck is a wonder to flip through. Literally named The Ostara Tarot it keeps a strong presence of animal energy while tapping into deeper themes. Perfect for rounding out the Dark Months and getting ready for the Light.

The Chrysallis Tarot
This deck is packed with mythology and symbolism. It has a fantastic depth of color and lushness and an amazing butterfly and rainbow backing. It’s a little non traditional, but amazing and will get you in the playful spirit of Ostara.

The Shadowscapes Tarot
Another pastel delight! This one has a real fae like energy to it. It pictures lush landscapes and has an all-around magical vibe to it. Definitely a beautiful deck to get you thinking of Spring!

The Linestrider Tarot
This deck keeps the imagery clean and to the point. Not too saturated visually, it keeps even the newest of readers focused on what’s important. With large white backgrounds and clean colors it’s a perfect Springtime companion.
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