
In this week’s Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sara Walka, founder and Head Magic Maker here at The Sisters Enchanted, explains how most goals fail, why you need both Lunar intentions and Solar goals to give yourself the best chance in realizing yours and why this week, between December 16th and Yule on December 21st is the best time to start setting your wishes, intentions and goals for the coming year ahead.

Here’s to an intentional and productive 2023 aligned to YOUR OWN authentic desires, wishes and feelings magical makers!

Let’s look at how to make this happen!

Now is the time

The Third Quarter Moon is the best energetic time for future visualizing and thinking how you want to feel in the Lunar Cycle ahead. In our 5I Spiral of Intention, we call this the Ideation stage.

Seasonally, the Autumn is the time for Ideation.

Between 16th December and Yule on the 21st December we have an alignment of this Ideation energy in both the Lunar Cycle and the Season, making it the perfect time for visioning and setting Lunar Intentions and Solar Goals for the coming year.

–>How do YOU want to FEEL in 2023? What actions will take you there?

So this week, stop and spend some time asking yourself,

–>How do I see myself living next year?

–>How do I want to feel?

–>What does it look like to feel that way?

Then make some Solar Goals to bring that feeling into your life

Of course, Intention is just the start of making things happen. You may uncover stories make your intention challenging to follow through, stories that make it difficult to untangle your emotions and feelings from others, stories that make it hard for you to believe in yourself and feel confident you can truly follow through and make your goals happen.

If you would like a little more support in Setting Intentions and Goals and really seeing them into being in 2023 we have our programs to help you navigate the 5I Spiral of Expansion and have your best authentic, intentional and productive year possible.

We also have our mastermind program where we give you individual help and hold your hand through real deep change and expansion.

But, for today, we have this simple but life changing message – Lunar Intentions and Solar Goals – you need them both!

A goal without that feeling-space intention will be hard to follow through because you don’t know why you want it. An intention with no action will stay exactly that, an intention!
