One of the tools we absolutely love for weekly planning is tarot. Not only does it add a magical touch to the mundane, but it also provides clarity and focus that can transform your week. Here’s how you can use tarot to guide your week and make each day feel like an enchanted adventure:
Who Will You Be This Week?
Start by pulling a tarot card to represent who you will be this week. This is your identity card, the archetype you’ll embody as you navigate your daily tasks and challenges. For example, I pulled the Sun card recently, which symbolizes confidence, passion, and energy. This card will remind me to embody these qualities throughout the week, helping me to shine brightly in all my endeavors.
- Shuffle your deck and ask, “Who will I be this week?”
- Pull a card and take a moment to reflect on its meaning.
- Journal about how you can embody the qualities of this card in your daily life. How can you bring the Sun’s radiance into your interactions and tasks?
Intentional Card Pulls
In addition to intuitive pulls, intentionally select cards that represent how you currently feel and how you want to feel by the end of the week. This practice helps you set a clear path from where you are to where you want to be.

- Think about your current emotional state and choose a card that represents this. For example, you might select the 5 of Swords if you’re feeling overwhelmed by overthinking and self-criticism.
- Next, choose a card that represents your desired outcome for the week. Perhaps the Queen of Coins, symbolizing peace, groundedness, and control.
- Place these cards side by side and reflect on the journey between them. What actions can you take to move from the energy of the 5 of Swords to that of the Queen of Coins?
Daily Card Draws
Every morning, pull a card to give you insight and guidance for the day ahead. This card can serve as your daily focus, helping you stay aligned with your weekly intention.
- Shuffle your deck and ask, “What do I need to know today?”
- Pull a card and take a moment to reflect on its message.
- Journal about how this card’s energy can influence your day. For example, if you draw the Ace of Wands, think about new beginnings and creative inspiration. How can you harness this energy today?
Reflect and Realign
At the end of each day, take a few minutes to reflect on how the tarot card influenced your actions and mindset. This practice helps you stay accountable and make necessary adjustments.
- Review your daily card and journal entries.
- Reflect on the day’s events and how the card’s energy played out. Did you embody the qualities of your identity card?
- If something didn’t go as planned, think about how you can realign your actions and thoughts for the next day.
Weekly Spread for Deeper Insight
To gain deeper insight into your week, consider doing a weekly spread. This can provide an eagle eye view of the week ahead and highlight potential challenges and opportunities.
- Use a simple three-card spread: Past, Present, Future.
- Reflect on the past week’s lessons, the present moment’s energy, and what the future might hold.
- Journal about any patterns or themes that emerge and how you can work with them.
Bring tarot into your weekly sacred planning practice and let it guide you to reclaim your passion, power, and purpose. Remember, you were born magic—and we’re here to help you remember!
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