It’s Valentine’s Day, Witches!
I find that holidays involving gift giving can be hard for many women, in particular those of us that have families to care for. I hear time and time again from women that feel like they are underappreciated or like they do for everyone else and no one does for them.
While we can’t control others, we CAN control how WE FEEL and how much we love on ourSelves.

So, today I offer you a “Love How You Feel Spell”. Use this to create loving energy in any area of your life. Do you want to loooove how you feel at work? Use this. Do you want to loooove how you feel in the bedroom? Use this. Do you want to loooove how you feel at home? Use this.
You need a photo of yourself and 8 images that represent how you want to feel in an area of your life.
Place the photo of yourself in the center and create a circle around it with the other images. You can do this on a table or adhere them to a surface to hang on a wall. Light a candle with intention to bring a specific feeling to some area of your life. Go around the circle counterclockwise and forgive whatever has been in the way of you bringing that feeling to your life. Then, go around the circle clockwise and envision yourself feeling the way that you want to feel with each image, calling in that energy.
At the end state the following or a variation of the following:
“Through this act I shall heal and invite the love I want to feel. I call in love from below and above. And so it is.”
Leave these images where you can see them, take a photo with your phone and keep it as the wallpaper so that you see it often, or turn it into a crystal grid. Keep working the magic until you Love How You Feel in the desired area of your life.
Remember that YOU are your own most magical tool and YOU can control your intentions just as much as you can control your expectations.
Make today, and every day, a magical one.
Love this spell.
Is there a spell to stop my midnight snacking?
Thank you
This is beautiful, and a nice surprise for me on this Valentine’s Day (a day that symbolizes an area of life that I find myself navigating strangely, as never before). I admit, this spell work made me teary-eyed… an indicator of inner work needed, but of the strength to go forward and do so with conviction and love internal. ♥ thank you, TSE. I’m so glad to have found you and this community at TSE. Blessings to all of you, eternal.
Thank you
Thanks for this lovely spell♥️ We all need to take a bit of time for ourselves
This is a wonderful idea to empower women to love themselves and how they feel. Thank you lovely ladies for the spell recipe!!