For many of us, the act of pulling tarot cards is a daily part of our practice. We ask questions like, “what should I expect from my day?” or “What barriers will I face today?” But what if we let our tarot cards ask us the questions? 

When you are intent on listening rather than speaking, you might be surprised at what the universe would like you to know!

You might think, “What are these people even going on about?” but hear us out! Instead of pulling your cards with a situation in mind, pull some cards with the intention of listening. When you are intent on listening rather than speaking, you might be surprised at what the universe would like you to know! You are less likely to miss out on something important if you commit yourself to listening once in a while. This is true for life, so why not with tarot as well?  

Well, how do we even begin this super unique practice? To start, draw some cards! Now, making mental or physical note of the traditional or intuitive meanings of your card pulls, let us phrase that into some questions! Here are just a couple of examples:

Four of Cups:

        • Stagnant, empty, or trapped energy. Boredom, disengagement, detachment.
        • Why am I feeling disengaged?
        • What is making my energy suffer? 
        • How can I go about improving my energy so I am no longer feeling this way?  

Three of Wands:

        • Growth, expansion, new possibilities on the horizon
        • How can I continue this upward momentum of energy?
        • What do I need to do to continue this growth?
        • How can I take advantage of the upcoming possibilities?  

Four of Pentacles:

        • Greed, possessiveness, attachment, stability
        • What is making me feel so possessive of my success?
        • How can I move toward stability for the future?
        • How can I avoid these feelings of greed for material possessions?  

Eight of Swords:

        • Constriction, self-doubt, immobility, being stuck
        • Why am I feeling stuck?
        • How can I break free from this situation that is causing these negative feelings?
        • What will be the repercussions of my actions if I continue allowing myself to feel stuck?  

The Star 

        • Hopes, dreams, faith, healing, guidance, trust 
        • What can I do to hold on to these feelings of optimism and hope?
        • What actions can I take towards realizing your dreams?

If you have a better understanding of self, then you have the ability to begin existing to your fullest extent! 

What can we do with these questions that we have received? How do we know that the question that we have came up with is correct? Reflection is always a good option when you have received a reading. One of our favorite tools for reflection is journaling! Take these questions that your cards have asked you and reflect, answer them in your journal! If you come up with multiple questions, you can choose to answer them all or just answer the question that resonates with you the most. You can consider setting intentions around these questions as well during the next moon cycle.

If you pulled the Four of Cups (like in the example above), maybe you would consider setting an intention around being more positive and solving the issue of your stagnant energy! Using your cards like this can go a long way towards understanding and getting to know yourself a little better, which we could all stand to do! If you have a better understanding of self, then you have the ability to begin existing to your fullest extent!

In this way, we learn to be better listeners, question-askers, and magic makers.  

Rather than using your tarot practice as a way to try to peek beyond the veil into the future as it is now, we recommend using your cards for guidance and advice. If this is not a practice that you are used to, then allowing your cards to ask the questions may be just the right tool that you need! Not only are you opening yourself up to the messages of your cards, but you are also learning how to ask better questions. Because with better questions, come better answers! Continue to use this practice as a way of listening to what the cards want to tell you, rather than what you’re looking for them to say to you. In this way, we learn to be better listeners, question-askers, and magic makers.

Check out the podcast on Allowing Your Tarot Cards to Ask the Questions work here!
You can also watch the podcast here on youtube!