
As the crisp air of September ushers in the fall, we find ourselves on the brink of the most magical time of the year— the Season of the Witch. Here at The Sisters Enchanted, we’re diving deep into our ancestral roots and exploring the stories that shape us, both seen and unseen. To kick off this enchanting time, we are sharing a three-part series where we delve into past lives, connect with ancestors, and share some ghostly tales. Before diving in, let’s talk about why these themes are so important right now.

The Mystical Connection of Autumn

Autumn is more than just a season; it’s a time of transformation and introspection. As the leaves turn and the days grow shorter, we are naturally drawn inward, contemplating the cycles of life and death that mirror our own spiritual journeys. Halloween, or Samhain, is traditionally seen as a liminal time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, allowing us to connect more deeply with our ancestors.

But why focus on ancestors, past lives, and ghost stories now? Because this season invites us to reflect on who we are and where we come from—both in this life and beyond. It’s a time to honor the unseen threads that weave our past to our present and to explore the stories and spirits that linger in the spaces between.


Ancestors: More Than Just Family

When you hear the term “ancestor,” you might think of the people from whom you directly descend—your parents, grandparents, and so on. But there’s a richer, broader perspective that goes beyond just bloodlines. Ancestors also include the community that shaped you, the cultural and spiritual forebears who influenced the way your society evolved.

In modern times, we’re often fixated on genetic lineage, fueled by tools like ancestry websites that map out our DNA. While fascinating, this focus can inadvertently narrow our view of ancestry. It’s important to remember that our spiritual and communal ancestors are equally significant. They are the souls who have walked the land you live on, the ones who built the towns, the unseen hands that shaped the cultural and societal fabric of your world.

Understanding your ancestors as not just those with whom you share DNA but also the broader community who contributed to your upbringing and cultural context can transform your connection to the past. It can make the concept of ancestors more inclusive and spiritually enriching, allowing you to honor and draw wisdom from a diverse array of influences.


The Rich Tapestry of Ancestral Mythology

Mythology provides a unique lens through which we can view our ancestors and the connections we share with them. Across cultures, myths and legends tell stories of ancestors and spirits, each offering a unique perspective on how the living and the dead interact. For example, in Norse mythology, we see the Wild Hunt, where Odin rides out to collect the souls of the dead, highlighting a winter connection with ancestors. Meanwhile, Greek mythology offers springtime rituals honoring ancestors, associated with the goddess Persephone’s return from the underworld.

In Mexican culture, the Day of the Dead, celebrated around November 1st, is a vibrant and colorful tradition dedicated to honoring deceased loved ones. This festival has influenced how many people, especially in North America, perceive and celebrate ancestral connections during the fall season. The Day of the Dead embodies a joyful remembrance of those who have passed, a sentiment that beautifully aligns with our own practices of ancestor veneration during Samhain.


How to Connect with Your Ancestors

You might be wondering, how do you actually connect with your ancestors, especially if you feel disconnected from your lineage or cultural roots? Here are a few practices to help you begin or deepen this relationship:

  1. Shift Your Perspective: Start by broadening your definition of “ancestor.” Include not just those of your bloodline but also spiritual ancestors, cultural icons, or community elders who have shaped your beliefs and worldviews.
  2. Explore Mythology and Story: Dive into the myths and legends of your cultural or spiritual traditions. These stories are treasure troves of wisdom and can provide clues on how to honor and connect with your ancestors.
  3. Set Up an Ancestral Altar: Create a space in your home where you can place photos, heirlooms, or items that remind you of your ancestors. This altar serves as a focal point for meditation, offerings, and communication.
  4. Participate in Rituals: Engaging in rituals, whether during Samhain, the Day of the Dead, or at any time that feels significant to you, can help you connect with your ancestors. This could be as simple as lighting a candle and saying a prayer or as elaborate as a full ceremonial feast in their honor.
  5. Walk in Their Footsteps: Visit the places where your ancestors lived, worked, and worshipped. Walking through a cemetery, visiting ancestral homelands, or even just spending time in nature can help you feel more connected to those who came before you.
  6. Invite Signs and Symbols: If you’re open to it, ask your ancestors to send you a specific sign or symbol to show their presence. It could be anything—an animal, a song, or a particular type of flower. Be observant and see what comes up in your daily life.


The Power of Storytelling and Shared Experiences

Ancestral connections aren’t just about looking back; they’re about understanding the narratives that have shaped us and using that wisdom to inform our present and future. This storytelling tradition is a powerful tool for both personal growth and community building. By sharing our stories—be they of ancestors, past lives, or ghostly encounters—we weave a richer tapestry of understanding and empathy.

This is why we emphasize community in our practices. The stories and rituals of your local community—whether they’re rooted in witchcraft, paganism, or other spiritual paths—can offer profound insights into your own spiritual journey. This shared exploration is a cornerstone of our work here at The Sisters Enchanted, where we strive to bring together seekers who are on a path of self-discovery and magic.


Expanding Your Ancestral Work Beyond Samhain

While Samhain and similar holidays provide a focused time for ancestral work, the truth is that you can connect with your ancestors at any time. Every turn of the seasonal wheel offers an opportunity to pause, reflect, and reach out to those who came before. Whether during a full moon, a solstice, or just a quiet moment in your day, the veil can be as thin as you allow it to be.

Consider making ancestor veneration a regular part of your spiritual practice. This could mean incorporating ancestral work into your daily meditation, journaling about the lessons you’ve learned from your elders, or simply lighting a candle each evening in remembrance. By doing so, you honor the continuous thread that binds us all to the past, present, and future.


Final Thoughts

As we move deeper into the Season of the Witch, let’s embrace the opportunity to connect with the past in all its forms. Whether through honoring our ancestors, exploring mythology, or simply being open to the magic around us, there’s so much to discover. So light a candle, open your heart, and let’s journey together into the mysteries of the soul.