2021 has got off to a challenging start for sure with 2020’s buzz-word ‘unprecedented’ still very much the word of the first week in the New Year.

Astrologically, this is not surprising. Saturn and Jupiter need some time to settle in Aquarius and we need time to get used to this huge shift in cosmic energy.  

Practise Patience 

Last week, the UK was plunged back into a March 2020 style lockdown that looks set to last until March. It may feel we are back to square one but Aquarius is the bringer of innovation and change for the good of all and this energy is going hand in hand with the vaccination programs that will bring this pandemic under control. I said in my overall 2021 forecast that the Astrological New Year, when the Sun enters Aries on March 20th will feel like the real beginning of the year and when 2021 will properly get started and moving. This will be the time to reset our intentions and resolutions for the year, especially where the lockdown and other situations we find ourselves in prevent us from being able to put these things into action for the time being. In the meantime, we can use this time for taking a stock check on our health, self-care, our values, dreams and ambitions and setting goals and plans for the rest of the year and the rest of our lives. 

Set an Intention for Better Things

With Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, this is a great time to look for opportunities to innovate and make changes and to build a new life structure around them. Mercury joined Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on January 9th. This will help you to set your mind on brainstorming the innovations and changes you want to bring into your life and into the world and in doing the brainwork to work out how you can bring these into being. Mercury is conjunct with Jupiter at the start of this week, on 11th January. This will be the best time to brainstorm your opportunities and do the mind work to plan out how to make them happen this year. 

The New Moon, on 13th January, is the great time to set an intention to bring something better into your life. The New Moon is in Capricorn, the Zodiac Sign of planning, work and the strength and tenacity that leads to follow-through and seeing our plans into action and results. The Moon then moves into Aquarius, harnessing the drive to innovate and change for the good of humanity that will be such a strong theme throughout the year. This is the perfect time to set one, clear intention from your Jupiter and Mercury conjunction brainstorm and to commit to seeing it through into being during this new Lunar Cycle. 

Mars in Taurus

Mars moved from its own fiery and impulsive Aries into the much calmer Taurus on January 7th, where it will stay until Match 3rd.  Mars controls how we act based on our motivations, where we direct our goal-directed energy and out will to assert ourselves into the world. With Mars in Aries, we were driven by our desires, our willpower and by experiences. We may have felt restless at times and our behaviours may have been driven by impulses and frustrations. Mars has been in Aries since June 27th last year and, globally, we have seen this energy at work in both hugely positive ways and in some negative ways.

With Mars in Taurus, we will feel driven to focus our energy on concrete achievements. Taurus loves beauty and so this is a great time to explore your goals with a creative mind. Taurus is also the Sign that represents our values so Mars here will encourage us to align our goals and our behaviours with our values. We will be driven by material wealth and possessions and by things that bring us financial security. All of these things take time, steady effort and persistence so this is a much gentler position for Mars and will help us all bring an end to the impulsive motivations and behaviours we have observed in ourselves, and in the world, in recent months.  

Taurus does not like change and is happy being comfortable with things as they are so we may have to fight against being a little bit too complacent and lazy during these months and with we may need to watch areas where we are a little stubborn too. Staying aligned with our values in life and the value we place on our wealth will help here. With all the Aquarius energy around this year, we can use this time to make sure our goals are in alignment with our values for society and the world and exploring how we can manifest more abundance and wealth with the intent of using this for the greater good and not just for ourselves.

Mars Squares with Saturn on 13th January, reminding us of the importance of structure and discipline around our motivations and actions if we are to see results and realise our goals. Doing some work here will help us to be ready for next week, when Mars goes into an exciting conjunction with Uranus, the planet of innovation on January 20th. Take some time on your plans this week and think about how they will benefit from bringing more discipline into your life, align yourself with your values and your goals. When Mars and Uranus are conjunct, we can expect to feel energized by rebellion, originality and impatience for change. Get ready to put your new ideas and innovations into action!


Check out our Mars in Taurus Tarot Spread to explore how you can harness and use this energy right now.