Astrological Forecast with The Sisters Enchanted starry sky banner

Astrology Forecast 18th – 23rd April 2021

Monday April 19th: The Sun and Mercury Enter Taurus – Grounding the fire

Both the Sun and Mercury, the fast-moving planet of logic and communication, enter on Monday. Aries Season may have left you feeling excited and motivated, pumped up with new ideas and goals. Taurus can now help you to ground all those new intentions and bring them to be in the material world. Taurus is all about taking small concrete steps to bring about concrete and material outcomes. This is a good time to break down those big ideas into small steps and just be sure that you are doing something each day to keep you moving forward towards bringing those ideas into fruition.  Taurus brings great stamina and also practical intelligence which are vital in realising our goals. 

After Aries fire has shaken us all up, we are ready to chill out a little bit. Taurus loves to find peace in art and in nature and we could all do with a bit of that right now! With Mercury also in Taurus, take some time to enjoy peace and stability in your thinking. Don’t be in too much of a rush to fill that space with new ideas. Take time to stop and enjoy the beauty in all that is around you. 

Thursday April 22nd, 2021: Venus Conjunct Uranus –Shaking up love and money

Venus goes conjunct with Uranus, the planet of rebellion and sudden change on Wednesday. This energy will last around six weeks, and hold your hats because this could bring your sudden change around love or money – or both! You may bring this around yourself through an increased need for stimulation, or change could be sudden and unexpected. 

If things have become stagnant and routine with a partner, then you may now feel it is time to shake things up. Take a moment to think before you rebel or do anything unpredictable as you may put the relationship at risk. You may just want to bring something new into the relationship but make sure you are prepared that you could bring it to an end if you don’t get the changes you hoped for or if you upset others. This urge for thrill is a passing energy. The outcomes of any erratic action may not be! If you are not prepared to risk too much, then seek some thrills elsewhere.

You may feel drawn to invest or spend a large sum of money on impulse around this time. This can be fun but think about this too, make sure you can afford it and it won’t impact your finances later. You may get unexpected surprises around money. 

This is a great time too for creativity and spending some time to develop your own unique style in any artistic projects or goals.

Friday 23rd April: Mars Enters Cancer – Fight for what is important to you!

Mars, the planet of motivation and wilful action enters the watery and emotional Cancer on Friday. During the coming weeks we may feel that we are being motivated more by our emotions and intuition. We may feel motivated more to be nurturing and caring but be sure to spend some time caring for yourself too. Fire boils water and when Mars is in Caner our emotions can get heated up and over boil for sure! You may find goals and plans are impacted a lot by mood swings and outbursts during this time, you may feel defensive and your mood may greatly impact your motivations and achievements. It will be important to find ways to stay emotionally balanced and stop your emotions getting in the way of your activities. 

Mars in Cancer is also a great time to work on your boundaries and strengthen them where needed. It is a time to fight for what is important to you.

Sarah Milne, Expedition Astrology co-teacher, The Sisters Enchanted