Clarity, Confidence and Momentum 

Astrologically, March has been an interesting month for sure! It bought us a mix of fire and water that may have led to cycles of confusion then clarity around our actions and emotions. 

April promises to be a month that brings us clarity and momentum. This will be very welcome to those of us who have felt held back in any way over recent times. This month will see us reunited with our mojo and feeling that we are moving forward with our plans and goals. 

The first half of April is very Aries dominated, the second half has a lot going on for Uranus so we will be seeing a lot of forward momentum and some change too. Maybe the renewed confidence, fresh ideas and new starts Aries brings will lead to some exciting changes?

This week has the Sun, Mercury, Venus and the asteroid, Chiron, our wounded healer, all in Aries. The Moon joins Aries party on Saturday, coming into Sunday, before a New Moon in Aries the following Monday. This will be a really important New Moon, the intention you choose for this coming cycle can really see you springing into that Mojo and momentum so use the energies through this week to help you focus your mind on what that intention will be.

Sunday April 4th: Mercury Enters Aries – Clarity of mind and communication

Mercury in Pisces may have caused you to be a bit dreamy, lethargic and foggy in your thinking and unclear in your communication and perception.  Mercury in Aries will bring an active mind and plenty of clarity in thought and communication. Your thoughts will be clearer, and it will be easier to focus them on your goals and on moving forward towards your ambitions.  Your communication may well be more direct and to the point as usual. This is a good time for conversations that need you to be clear and objective, for giving explanations and making decisions. If you have been deliberating over anything for a while this could be the time to finally reach a clear decision and move forward with it.  

This is a time to be bold and assertive in your thought and communications and to use this fiery energy to move forward in the direction that you want to take. 

Friday April 9th: Mercury Conjunct Chiron – Old memories and shadow work

Chiron is the asteroid that represents deep wounds, often those that arose in our childhood. Chiron’s placement in your birth chart shows the energy and area of life that is impacted by this wound. Chiron is the wounded healer, our Chiron wound is often something so painful that we cannot look it in our own lives, we can only heal our wound through helping others to heal theirs. 

With Mercury Conjunct Chiron in Aries, you may find that some old and painful memories from the past come to mind.  This conjunction in Aries may bring things to mind that are blocking you from moving forward. This is an opportunity to understand and accept these memories, to bring them to the light of your conscious mind, to learn the lessons and to love them as an important and valued part of yourself. In other words, this is a good time for some deep shadow work! In Aries, you may feel a surge in motivation to work through these things and use your shadow work to propel you forward in life. 

These wounds do not define you, but they are an important part of you and your story. This is a good time to explore and journal how these shadows play out for you and how they contribute to making you the wonderful and unique person you are!

On Monday, there will be a New Moon in Aries to add to all of this fire and momentum.  Make a note of goals and intentions that come to mind during this week and see how they can come together to form an idea of the life you want to move forward in and ambitions you want to follow. From these, chose an intention to work on during the next Moon Cycle.  Check out next Friday’s Astro Forecast for more on this and a Tarot Spread to try. 


Sarah Milne, Expedition Astrology co-teacher, The Sisters Enchanted