Big Change is Coming!

Sun Conjunct Mercury: A New Mercury Cycle in Aquarius!

The week begins with the Sun conjunct Mercury on February 8th. This is an important conjunction with both planets in the exciting and rebellious Aquarius, bringing us all this change and innovation. It is also important as Mercury is in retrograde. When Mercury Retrograde forms a conjunction with the Sun it begins a new Mercury cycle, lasting around 116 days. Today brings the start of a cycle that will take us till mid-June. 

This is a great time to start a new project with a Mercurian theme, such as anything to do with writing, communication and the mind. This could be something like a new writing or blogging project or something to do with psychology or working on your own mindset. 

Uranus Squaring Up with the Aquarius Planets: Big and Lasting Changes are Coming!

Uranus, the planet of rebellion, innovation and sudden change, is squaring up with the stellium of planets in Aquarius, which will certainly shake things up for us over the coming weeks. Next week, it squares Saturn, shaking up our foundations and structures. This transit only occurs every fourteen years and the planets will be within the orb of this challenging aspect all year and you may well already be experiencing building tensions and frustrations rooking your stability and life-structures. This can be a time of unexpected changes but also a time when goals and new projects can be solidified into something lasting and secure. It is also a great time to free yourself from restricting and limiting thoughts and attitudes and things in life that hold you back from realising your goals and intentions. 

New Moon in Aquarius: A huge opportunity for change!

We will focus more on Saturn Square Uranus in next week’s forecast but keep this in mind this week, especially when you make your intention for this new Lunar Cycle on the New Moon on Thursday 11th February. 

A New Moon is always a new beginning but a New Moon in Aquarius with five other planets in this sign of change is a HUGE new beginning!!

This is an opportunity not to miss!

If you haven’t yet realised how this new Age of Aquarius will play out for you, this could be the time you find out. You will be working on this intention when that Saturn and Uranus Square is at its strongest so have a big opportunity to make this change solid and life changing for yourself and for the greater good of all. Take extra care and consideration in choosing what to work on and set aside the time to really do the work through the cycle. 

This New Moon is conjunct with the Sun and Mercury, something extra special at the start of our new Mercury cycle. Keep in mind any projects you want to initiate with this cycle. You can make a great start now by focusing this Lunar Cycle on an intention that will get you going.

The Sun and Moon conjunction will help you focus on the very centre of your Self, your creativity, your vitality and your highest good. With the Moon and Sun conjunct, it will be easier for you to access your hidden, unconscious Self to help you choose the path of change you need right now. This conjunction also brings emotional balance, helping you to use your intuition and balance it with rationality. This Lunar Cycle really is the perfect one for a level-headed and analytical approach to making lasting changes and creating good habits. The coming Full Moon will be in Libra, bringing more of this energy and focus into the heart of this cycle. 

The Moon is also Square Mars, bringing an insatiable drive to meet your most passionate desires. Harness this energy to supercharge your intention and your commitment to see it through! Share your intentions with others, tell them about it, write about it to add to your commitment and accountability.

Check out our Aquarius New Moon Tarot spread to help you focus your mind and intentions the right way on this significant and important New Moon of Change!

Venus Square Uranus: Challenging Our Desires and Relationships

Venus squares Uranus on Sunday, 7th February, bringing impulsiveness to our relationships and the things we desire. Venus is a fast-moving planet so this transit only lasts a few days but will focus feelings of instability and frustration towards our romantic relationships. You may feel an urge for freedom in your relationship which may shake things if you are feeling stagnant, trapped or insecure. Trying to ignore or bottle up any frustrations this may bring could lead you to be more argumentative or to take sudden, spontaneous, even unwanted action so it is best to focus the energy into something positive, by being experimental and trying something new in your relationship. 

If you are single, you may find yourself attracted to someone exciting, eccentric or maybe even risky. 

Be careful not to impulse buy today, especially on art, music or anything you find to be beautiful. This is a day when you could regret a large spend on something you didn’t really need!

Venus Conjunct Jupiter: Harmony and Abundance

Thursday 11th February is the day of that important New Moon and it is the day Venus joins Jupiter in a conjunction, acting together as a super planet of abundance and happiness.  

This is one of those welcome astrological breaks in all the tension and change around us right now so be sure to make the best of it.  This transit can bring us an abundance of love and money and a much-needed moment of harmony, and happiness. It can be a day to reap the rewards from your previous hard work and enjoy the beautiful things that are attracted to you.

This is a day when we will be attracted to inner harmony, warmth, and friendliness in other people and others will be attracted to our own. In normal times, this is a day to get out and about and engage with people. This may not be possible now but getting yourself out there in any possible way today can lead to great opportunities for growth and happiness. If you have a new business or something you want to share with the world, or if you just want others to see more of you, then today is the day for sharing social media posts and videos. Network as much as you can today!

Pay close attention to any opportunities or offers you receive that could increase your wealth. Things that come your way today could well lead to abundance!

This is also the day for falling in love or renewing love. If you experienced any bumps during Venus Square Uranus, this is a good day to reconcile and renew. 

Venus Conjunct Jupiter and Mercury:

Mercury joins the planet of desire in a conjunction on Saturday 13th February in a rare triple conjunction. With Mercury in retrograde, this energy will be especially strong After the challenges Uranus brought us earlier in the week and the harmonious conjunction with Jupiter, now is the time to tell people how you feel. Tell people you love them, tell people what you love about them and how much you appreciate them! If there are things that need talking over, this is a good time for that too. Communication can bring settlements and peace today. 

This is also the weekend for art, music, poetry, writing – anything that uses creative skills. 

You will feel this conjunction in all areas of life but especially in relation to the house and any planets in your chart in Aquarius – the closer they are to the 12-14 degrees of this conjunction, the stronger its influence will be.