Saturn Square Uranus – Breaking Structures
This week centres around the astrological event of the year, and it’s shaking things up for sure! On Wednesday 17th Saturn Squares Uranus – an aspect often nicknamed the ‘broken bones’ as Uranus’ progressive push for change is restrained by Saturn’s effort to maintain security in existing structures. As these two energies face off with each other something has to give – we either abandon our rebellion or structures fall! The push and pull between these planets will cause us inner tension, but we can use and direct this energy. While Saturn Square Uranus is associated with abrupt changes to the structure and responsibilities in the world and in our lives, this is also a time where any changes we want to make in our lives can be crystallised by Saturn into lasting structures. It is also a time when we can face and work through any fears and limitations that may be holding us back.
Saturn and Uranus come into a perfect square this week, for the first time since 2001. They will be in the orb of this aspect until January, so this is an energy that will be felt throughout this year and into the next. Due to retrogrades, the two planets will come into a perfect square again on June 14th and once more on December 24th. This first square is especially powerful with Saturn in the Aquarius stellium with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter.
With Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, both planets are in fixed signs that do not like change forced upon them. This is going to make extra tense. We also have Saturn, the conservative planet in Uranus’ own progressive sign and the progressive planet of rebellion in conservative and comfortable Taurus. Things are interesting for sure!
What you may experience during Saturn Square Uranus
You may already be feeling tension and clashing between your urge for freedom and spontaneity and need for structure and stability. This may come to a head this week but may not be resolved immediately. There may well be a situation that comes to a head during each perfect square and is solved to some degree each time, reading a final resolution by the end of the year.
You may find rules and limitations in your life more challenging, with a tension between wanting freedom from them but also feeling that life would be too chaotic without them.
You may find that asserting your individuality, freedom, and originality makes you feel ungrounded and insecure.
Sudden and unexpected events may force you out of old habits.
How to use this energy
This square can bring about erratic, spontaneous and sudden urges and changes and great feelings of tension and frustration. It also brings a wonderful and rare opportunity to examine the balance between freedom and change and security in your life, to do some shadow work, feel the tensions and frustrations and make any changes you need to ease them and bring things into balance.
With this being the first exact Saturn Uranus Square, it is a good time to explore the tensions you are feeling between freedom and change and security and structure. Sit with these ideas, meditate on them, journal about how these themes feel for you, what they look like in your life, what you need more of, how they balance and any changes or innovations you want to make to the way you think, the way you behave and the way you live your life.
Bring changes and innovations into being and turn them into solid structures in your life through this year.
Make plans, break down big projects and goals into phases that align with the perfect squares on June 14th and December 14th.
Get creative about how you harness this energy to make exciting and innovative new structures for your life!
Thank you this is so helpful ✨💜🎉