Opportunity Knocks This Week!
If you have been following our forecasts over the first two months of this year, you will know that there has been some turbulent energy for us at the start of this year. We have been feeling it for sure with the ongoing uncertainties in our politics, with Covid and in our own lives. The underlying Saturn Square Uranus shifting and breaking our structures continues through the year and will peak again in June, but for most of March, the mood is lightening for us.
The Moon in Libra
We begin the month with the Moon in the sociable and balancing sign of Libra where it will stay until Wednesday 3rd. Libra is an air sign, the element of our thoughts and communications. We may begin this month thinking about finding balance in our lives. This may be especially highlighted in the areas of the house that Libra rules in your own birth chart. Libra brings open communication and balance in opposing views and ideologies so the beginning of the week could be a good time for a talk with anyone where there have been fractures in communication or in a relationship brought about by different views and ideas. This week is a good week for mending and strengthening social relationships. The Libra Moon helps us to see each other’s points of view and bring about a balance between any oppositions and for making compromises.
After the Full Moon in Virgo at the end of last week urging us to analyse ourselves and our emotions and see where healing is needed, the Moon now in Libra can help us to find a balance where it is needed.
Mars moves into Gemini on 4th March
Mars leaves slow and steady Taurus for Gemini, the fast-moving butterfly of the Zodiac on Thursday March 4th. Mars colours how we put our wilfulness into action. In Taurus, its focus was very much on actions driven by our values and by our material comfort and security. In Gemini, we may feel more driven by our need for varied experience and direct communication with others. Taurus does not like change and is one of the most stubborn of signs. Mars in Gemini brings us a lot more movement and exchange, these things may even help us to move on from some inflexible situations that we thought would never change. We will be driven to expand our mental and social horizons and will find a more receptive and empathetic reception and environment when we do so.
Gemini, the twins, love to fly around to find out the mysteries of the world, to communicate with as many people as possible to discover their experiences and then to broadcast all they have learned. You may feel motivated to fit a lot into Mars’ time in Gemini, through this month until mid-April. This is a good time to get motivated with writing projects and any others involving broadcasting and communication. You may, however, find that your interests become so diversified that you spread yourself too thinly and go off on tangents to the extent that you become scattered and unfocused and nothing actually gets done. Gemini like duality, to explore all the opposites and possibilities and are not that great at making decisions and sticking with them so make sure your motivations during this time stay focused enough to be effective in moving you towards your goals, the things you want to achieve and where you want to be this year.
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius on 5th March
The day after Mars moves into Gemini, Mercury goes Conjunct with Jupiter in the innovative Aquarius, the sign of this year. Mercury, the planet of logic and communication with Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and expansion, in this sign of free and novel thinking will help us to visualise our opportunities and see the big picture we could create in our lives.
This is a day for brainstorming and visualising your goals and then expanding on them with an imagination of what could be if these ideas were bigger, and bigger and if you had all the opportunities in the world to see them happen. Then sit with these ideas and infuse them with Jupiter’s optimism. You may want to verbalise them or write about them, to share them with others and bounce them around. Hold them and hold your optimism and then look for those opportunities in the coming weeks and months for them to take shape.
This conjunction is also a good time to pitch ideas, for applications, to ask for a promotion or anything else where you need somebody to approve or enable an opportunity. Powers of persuasion can be particularly strong in this conjunction.
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