Happy August New Moon, Enchanted Sisters!
This is the perfect time to ground yourself and step into your AWESOMENESS, because, you are amazing! It can be really hard to muster up the confidence to really feel fantastic in our bodies and our minds, and, not just feel fantastic, but SHOW OTHERS that we feel fantastic!

If you are finding it a bit challenging to let yourself and the world know that your crazy-cool-self is ready to step into her awesomeness, take some time during the New Moon to ground yourself and work on that root chakra.
Get moving and get outside. Stretch up to the sun and feel your body elongating and soaking in all the energy that the sun is pouring down into your veins. Let it fuel you up and charge your batteries so that you are able to step into your very own light.
Set an intention to love on yourself and and be your own best friend during this lunar cycle.
Have something else that you are planning on conquering? Set your intentions for that, too. The energy of the New Moon is perfect for breathing life into our dreams and sending our intentions out into the universe.
The final days of summer are upon us. Soak up the sun, dance in your own amazing light, and set your intentions for the month ahead.
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