Be Bold with the Aries Full Moon

πŸŒ• Our Full Moon in Aries can be a great time to start something new! 🌌 This is the time to make decisions and act. πŸš€ Think boldly! πŸ’‘ Don’t temper yourself! πŸ”₯ Be bold, but be careful not to let the impulsivity of Aries rule you. πŸ’¨ Be mindful of others feelings during...

The Magic of Mabon

πŸ‚ Embrace the Magic of Mabon! πŸŽ™οΈπŸ As the wheel of the year turns, we’re standing at the threshold of Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, and I’ve got something truly enchanting to share with you! ✨   Step into the cozy, mystical world of Mabon in this podcast...