Re-Becoming Yourself with Renee Arruda

Holistic Witchery changed her life.  And you’re going to learn more about her story on today’s episode of Expedition to Soul.  Meet Renee Arruda! via GIPHY Renee is a nurse, a mom, and (in my best cackle voice) a witch. Listen, people hear the word witch and their...

Virgo Full Moon

The Full Moon in Virgo is bringing with it detail-oriented energies! This is a great time to really buckle down and finish that project that has been hanging over your head. This is also a wonderful time for you to begin forming that habit that you’ve been...

Sabotaging Relationships Based on Expansion Type

We all sabotage ourselves daily. Every single person reading this does it. We do it in tiny little ways that seem reasonable or like we are doing something reasonable. The mind is tricky that way. On today’s episode of Expedition to Soul join TSE Founder, Sara,...

Love Cards in Tarot

Two naked people together in a heavenly experience. That’s what the standard Lovers card in tarot looks like. But, does that card embody the robust and deep well of the love experience? Absolutely not. In today’s special Expedition to Soul podcast...

Pisces New Moon

With our New Moon in Pisces, this is a great time to commit to new personal goals or even take a leap of faith! This is also a really great time to work on yourself and your anxieties- begin the process of learning to accept your imperfections and start working...

The Rhythms Get Smaller and Smaller

Long term planning and thinking about all the bits and pieces of completing a project can lead to shutdown and overwhelm. In today’s episode of Expedition to Soul you’ll hear Sara share about Dialing it back and thinking smaller Setting an intention moment...

Three New Ways to Think About Money

Clipping coupons, saving pennies, and thinking about how much you make per hour based on your paycheck are common ways to think about money. On today’s podcast episode Sara is inviting you to consider 3 New Ways to Think About Money. You’ll hear: Why...

Tarot Stories part 5

The Major Arcana tells the story of the Fool’s Journey. And today the Fool is you, Magic Maker. The Fool is all of us every single day throughout our entire lifetime. In Part 5 of the Tarot Stories series this what you’ll hear about:    1.  How the Cups...

Tarot Stories part 4

The cup runeth over….with emotion. This is the story of the suit of Cups in tarot. Listen in to Part 4 of our Tarot Stories podcast series and hear about:        1. How the Cups demonstrate the emotional ebb and flow we all experience        2. Why we must...

Tarot Stories part 3

The passion that gets you going can sometimes be the passion that makes everything feel heavy. In Part 3 of our Tarot Stories podcast series, Sara is talking about the suit of Wands. In this episode you’ll hear about: Why Adventurers in the Expansion Archetypes...