When the new moon is in Cancer we can expect a rise in our emotions. How can you nurture yourself during this time and even plan ahead so that you have something fun in the works?

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Go for a hike with loved ones
  • Schedule in a game night 
  • Make your own pizza night at home
  • Dancy party night 
  • Movie night complete with treats and popcorn

Cancer is associated with the moon and nurturing energy. Sometimes seen as the mother of the zodiac, nurture yourself while nurturing your closest relationships. 

Here is a ritual idea for you:

Make a family (or do this with friends) spell jar and ask each person to write a wish for the remainder of the summer season. Have each person pur their wish in the jar and pass it around to share in the energy of creating those wishes into being. On the last full moon of the summer season, release those wishes in a bonfire. 

And, of course, we’ve got a card spread for you:

Cancer New Moon Card Spread

1. Where am I lacking self care at this time?

2. How can I support myself better?

3. Where am I lacking boundaries?

4. What ocundary can I establish that will aid in my self care?


Happy new moon, Magic Makers!