
Mars Moves into Gemini

Mars moves into Gemini this week, on August 20th. This is a super long transit for Mars, as it includes its retrograde between October and January, keeping it in the sign of experience and communication until March 25th next year. This will bring us an extended period...

The Witch Wound

The witch wound has taught us over time not to be who we are – or we might be condemned. We might be invalidated. We might be disempowered simply for speaking up. In this week’s Expedition to Soul podcast, Sisters Enchanted Founder and Director, Sara Walka...

5 Tips For a Magical Midlife

 Top Five Tips for a Magical Midlife If you have spent decades caring for everyone else, now is the time to make sure you are taking care of yourself. Self-care is more than finding the odd half hour to enjoy a candle lit bath or sit on the beach. It is about building...

Claiming Who You Are With Kelly Sroka

Kelly made her decision to live the magical life during her midlife, at a time when it may perhaps be more of a surprise to the people around you when they see you embrace your witchy side for the first time. Kelly is not alone, a very large chunk of our community is...

Mars Square Saturn

Saturn is throwing some interesting squares this week, forcing us to look at our responsibilities and assess how well we are living to truth of our authentic selves. We start the week with Mars Square Saturn. This can be a super frustrating time where it can feel that...

Living Intentionally

Living intentionally is all about living a life that is aligned to your own authentic self, your own values, your desires, your needs, rather than living up to others’ expectations. Our Unique Five I Spiral of Living Intentionally is a simple and super effective...