I first learned about the Chakras when I was taking an Indian Lit class in college. Unexpected, right? I had been reading Tarot and studying the witchy world for years but never considered the Chakras until this class. 

At that time the internet wasn’t as amazing as it is today and I wasn’t able to just hop online and search out the specifics of the Heart Chakra or the ins and outs of the Sacral chakra. The meaning of the Root Chakra or how to open the Crown Chakra. How to build confidence in the Solar Plexus Chakra, speak the truth through the Throat Chakra, or explore intuition in the Third Eye Chakra. 

So, I read my books, read the required class reading, and started putting together my modern (and very Western) magical knowledge with what I was learning about the Chakras. 

Here are some of the ways in which I incorporate the Chakras into my modern world of witchery:

The Root Chakra:

With the Root Chakra I love to work with the Pentacles Tarot Suit. The Root Chakra is representative of the physical world around us, material goods, how safe and secure we feel in this lifetime. Our childhood experiences, familial and societal influences, and early beliefs influence the energy that we hold in our Root Chakras. When we look at the story of the Tarot we see the Pentacles as telling us about our journey through building wealth, a sustainable life, and the ebbs and flows of that adventure. 

Exploring our connection with the moon is an invaluable tool in our lives. So much reflection, knowing, and space comes from slowing down and living on lunar time. When the moon is in Aquarius or Capricorn, I feel pulled to dig into Root Chakra workings more fully. This might look like setting boundaries around time, decluttering, or making sure that my work life is in order. I want to examine how I’m viewing my material world and what memories and belief systems I am applying to it. 

The Sacral Chakra:

With the Sacral Chakra we are exploring the suit of Wands. Now, the Sacral Chakra is also associated with the Cups but to keep things simple we are only going to look at one Tarot association per energy center. The Sacral Chakra is where passion, desire, and creativity live. For women in particular, this chakra tends to be one that requires some attention. The hustle and bustle of daily life, the guilt associated with taking time for one’s self, and the need to people please can easily (and quickly) dim the glow of the Sacral Chakra. In working with the Wands suit here we can choose to think less and act more. Do what feels live giving in the moment. Loosen up and follow the thread of desire. The Three of Wands and the Eight of Wands are two of my favorites to tap into when focusing on this energy center. 

Sagittarius and Pisces are two of the Moon Signs to look out for when doing Sacral Chakra work. Sagittarius makes a lot of sense when working with the Wands suit if you are incorporating Tarot into your energy practice. Sagittarius is all fire, joy, and experience, just like the Suit of Wands. Dance, laugh, and get out into the world under a Sagittarius moon to liven up that Sacral Chakra. The Pisces Moon invites us to get dreamy. What would feel really great right now? What is my deepest desire? How could I change the world if only I could lean into that desire? BIG STUFF, FRIENDS!


The Solar Plexus Chakra:

Another chakra that I see many of our students and community members set aside some time to work on is the Solar Plexus Chakra. This is our confidence center, our own personal sun. How you shine in the world around you, how “seen” you are willing to be, and how open to expanding your reach in the world is are all connected to this energy center. There are a handful on Tarot cards (especially The Sun!) that are easily connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra and great to work with here. But, since we are keeping it simple in this blog post, I challenge you to consider the Court Cards as your ally when working with Tarot and the Chakras. The Court Cards all represent different energies, different descriptions, different types of people. When you need to shine your light on a situation or stand fully in your confidence, which Court Cards can you turn to for a burst of support or energy? Would channeling the King of Wands be helpful? The Paige of Swords? What do you need right now? Who would it be helpful to have in your corner? Turn to that card, that energy, and connect with it to grow this energy center. 

 Aries and Scorpio are the two Zodiac Signs that I would suggest working with when doing Solar Plexus work. When the Moon is in Aries we are invited to turn the spotlight onto ourselves. Aries is independent and focuses on what is best for itself. The Solar Plexus Chakra loves the Aries energy of feeling totally confident. Scorpio Moon energy really speaks to me of the Court Cards. Changing up who you need to be at any time, realizing that you aren’t one stagnant energy but are a fluid being with changing needs, and challenging yourself to toss out the old so that you can be the shiniest version of yourself all take confidence. Scorpio Moon energy might be just what you need here. 


The Heart Chakra:

The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the physical (lower) Chakras and the spiritual (higher) chakras. It sits right in the middle and reminds us that unconditional love is needed for ourselves, others, and the world around us to truly grow and expand. The suit of Cups in Tarot is centered on emotional experience. How can you open yourself to experience emotions in a way that helps you to better SEE the world around and within you rather than in a way that leaves you feeling like a victim? The Five of Cups and Eight of Cups are the perfect energies to incorporate into your day if you are working toward experiencing emotion rather than being consumed by it. 

 I invite you to do some Heart Chakra work when the Moon is in Taurus or Libra. Taurus asks us to seek the beautiful things in life. Create spaces that radiate love and warmth. We can do this literally and figuratively. How can you be your own vessel of love and warmth? Libra is the balance seeker of the Zodiac and just as the Heart Chakra is the balance point between the physical and the spiritual, Libra is the sign that challenges you find balance in your own life. If you’re feeling so heavy in your physical life that you can’t see beyond the tangible, allow a Libra Moon to bring you back to center. 


The Throat Chakra:

The first of the Spiritual Chakras is the Throat Chakra. This is our voice. But, more than our voice, it is our ability to communicate as both speakers and listeners. So often I see people ignore that fact that to be heard we must also listen. Listening to ourselves, others, Spirit, plants, animals, anything at all…listening is what allows us to know what we actually need to see and communicate. When incorporating Tarot into your Chakra energy work, go to the suit of Swords. This suit speaks to our inner voice, thoughts, and ability to communicate with those around us. We are quick to blame others for our lack of voice but it most often comes from our own inner dialogue. 

Gemini is known as the chatterbox of the Zodiac and lends itself naturally to Throat Chakra work. Virgo is another Zodiac Sign to tap into when working with this energy center. Virgo is organized, down-to-earth, and clear. Coming back down-to-earth when we are over communicating or finding our footing and putting our words together when under-communicating can make or break the conversations we have with ourselves or others. Sitting with your Throat Chakra under a Virgo Moon might be just the thing you need to get that energy center open and expansive. 


The Third Eye Chakra:

Intuition, knowing, and feeling are a few words to describe the action that occurs at our Third Eye Chakra. I’ve left the entire Major Arcana for this energy center. Now, each and every one of the Major Arcana cards could easily be paired with other energy centers. Here I want you to look at the Major Arcana as all of the experiences we’ve had and ever will have as embedded in our knowing. These events, whether they have been lived in this lifetime or not, are what enable us to understand those gut feelings or hear Spirit and relay a message even if it is one of an experience that we haven’t yet lived. Choose a Major Arcana card at random and just ask the question, how does this apply to my life right now? Allow your intuition to speak for you. [If you want some more info on asking questions using our Tarot cards, read more about that here!] https://thesistersenchanted.com/asking-questions-with-tarot/


Leo and Cancer are two remaining Zodiac Signs and the two that we are associating with the Third Eye Chakra. Leo is confident, present, and loves to be seen (which also lends this Sign well to working with the Solar Plexus Chakra). For most people, hearing and acting upon intuition comes down to confidence and trust. We tend to shy away from sharing what we know to be true intuitively because it feels hard to explain or we worry about what others will think. What if we aren’t correct? What if we fail? Hard stuff! Leo marches forward without worrying about these things too much and I encourage you to do the same! Cancer is the home Sign for the Moon and lends itself to FEELING in a big way. Intuition and intuitive insights can be heightened under a Cancer Moon. [I’ve got 3 Psychic Tips for you if you’re looking to strengthen this area!] https://thesistersenchanted.com/3-psychic-tips/


The Crown Chakra:

The Crown Chakra is representative of transcendence and connection with All That Is. It is the culmination of all the energy flowing before and beneath it. In our work with Tarot and Moon Signs, consider this the melding of all the Zodiac Signs and all the Tarot cards into one big energy ball of light. This is your Crown Chakra. Envisioning and feeling into this collective force can be powerful (and sometimes overwhelming). 

Working with the Chakras as a modern witchy woman doesn’t have to be complicated and doesn’t have to include a million different tools. A Tarot deck and the Moon is all you really need to start exploring your own energy and clear up some of the internal gunk that might be holding you back in life.