Today I Change
Today marks the day of new beginnings for me. Today I have gone from working 5 days a week to 4. Now that may not seem like much, but I’m so excited I could throw a party.
Today marks the day where I will no longer eat because I love food, but eat to nourish my body and to feel good.
Today is the day that I will not lose my temper. I will be patient. I will manifest love, light, patience, and strength.
Today is my day for change.

I have slowly been meandering down the path for change in my life. I think my word of the year should be CHANGE. I’m tired. I’m tired of feeling stagnant. I’m tired of feeling guilty, unmotivated, tired, resentful, and worn out. Did I mention tired? I want to feel like a good mom and a person worthy of love and friendship. I want to find comfort and strength in myself. Is this so much to ask? Why is change so hard?
Why is it that I work at a Health Food Store, I understand all about nutrition and diet, I eat mainly organic and local, but I sabotage myself with take-out and binge eating? Why is it that I continually feel the need to be sarcastic and negative? I am surrounded by such lovely people and yet I continue to drag myself through the mud and drag my family down with me.
Change. Change is my motivation, my new mantra. It Is what I will manifest in my life. Change starts with you. It isn’t easy, and some days you just don’t want to, but we have to push through it and make it happen.
I have been setting aside some time for reflection and thanking whoever is listening for helping me through my day. And most importantly, forgiving myself. Forgiving myself for being impatient, and negative, and making mistakes. This alone has brought me some calm. So has my sage bundle, my matcha tea latte, and my candle for success and motivation. Not to mention all my new crystals. I don’t leave the house without one anymore…How Relatively Crunchy of me 🙂
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the World. Today I am wise, so I am changing MYSELF.”

It’s kool to see where you started. Change is good. When was the last time you looked back on This blog post and reflected on how far you all have come? You all rock. Thanks for being you!