I bet you didn’t know that over 90% of people say they struggle with consistency when it comes to working towards their intentions, goals and the things they seek to manifest and achieve in life.
So you are no means alone if you can identify! Nearly all of us struggle to be consistent in putting in the work that we tell ourselves we want to do to get the things in life we want!
So, why is this?
We believe it comes down to two main things:
Expectation and boundaries!
You can explore and improve your relationship with consistency in three easy steps:
- By asking yourself and reflecting on what your expectations are around the thing you are seeking to achieve or manifest.
- Reflecting on how well these expectations are in alignment with the things you value in life.
- If they are not, this is why you are not being consistent in your efforts – so ditch it, it is not for you! If they are, you need to work on your boundaries around time and resources to make this happen!
The first thing to consider if you know you are not being consistent about something you want to bring into your life or achieve in your life is a simple question,
Why do you want it?
Be honest, why do you want this thing?
What do you expect it to add to your life?
What do you expect to have to do to make it happen?
Exactly what does all of this look like for you.
Is all of this consistent with your values?
For example, if you want to manifest an abundance of money and that means doing more hours at work to make it happen but your life values are all around being at home more and being fully engaged in fun activities with your children all day then that manifestation is not consistent with your values and you will not be consistent in striving for it.
Then consider what your expectations are around the people who already have this thing.
How hard do they have to work for it?
Do you want to be that kind of person?
You see, there is a myth that some people just manifest and everything they want falls into their lap first thing the next morning.
This simply is not true!
Manifestation is where what you want comes together with actions you are willing to take to make it happen!
I cannot stress that enough, it takes time and it takes work to manifest something into being.
Taking our abundance of money example further, it may be that you feel people who work hard for money are less spiritual than people who are happy to have less. You may feel that wanting more money is less wholesome or makes you selfish.
Yet, at the same time, you may really need this money for something, you may be manifesting it for a vacation or a course you want to do.
This is where you need to do some shadow work. If your expectations around the kind of people who have what you are manifesting do not align with your self-perception or values you may need to change some of the stories you tell yourself.
Maybe you believe you can not be the kind of person who would ask their boss for a pay raise.
Your expectations need to match what you are manifesting and if they don’t you need to change them.
Another example is the idea that to have a full and spiritual life you must be making complicated tarot spreads and rituals with each New and Full Moon or studying your astrology chart daily with the transits of the day.
For some people, that is manageable but if you can’t do this consistently because you have work and children to look after and meals to cook…. Then change your expectations about what you can doto. Perhaps you can be consistent with pulling a single Tarot or oracle card in the morning or giving yourself an affirmation as you comb your hair.
Make sure your expectations are in alignment with what you are manifesting or working towards.
Make sure your expectations are in alignment with your values.
If they are both of these things but you are still not being consistent with your efforts to make this thing happen then you need to look at your boundaries.

If you truly value what you are striving for, if you know what to expect from it and this expectation is important to you then you need to carve out the time and resources to make this happen.
This means boundaries!
Time is our biggest resource. We can not repeat time, we can not bring it back. We can not get more.
If you are not being consistent about something you want to make happen in your life that you truly want and truly value then you need to put barriers and boundaries around the time you need to make it happen.
This can be boundaries for others, such as having someone else look after the children one day a week or saying no to that request to help out at the Scout group. Or they could be boundaries for yourself. You may need to take a time audit and see where you can take time back from unnecessary things like Netflix or social media scrolling. Plan your time, ring face it, diarise it and protect it with a boundary that you are not prepared to wobble.
This can be hard, it can take practice. You may need to start small, protecting five minutes to take a small step towards your goal each day and then build up. Or, you may feel strong enough to say now, this is what I want, this is how much I value it, I am doing it and this is what I need from you and this is what I need from myself!
Doing this work and aligning what you want and what you manifest with your expectations and values then ring fencing your time and resources with clear and strong boundaries will be the surest way to get yourself into the 10% who are consistent with their efforts and see that thing you really want happen in your life.
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