
Every week, many of us sit down with good intentions, ready to plan out the week ahead. We fill our planners with to-dos, goals, and appointments, imagining the perfect balance of productivity, self-care, and maybe a little bit of magic.

How often does the week actually unfold the way we planned? More often than not, life throws us a curveball, and suddenly, our carefully crafted plans feel more like a burden than a roadmap.

But here’s the thing: planning isn’t about sticking to a rigid schedule. It’s about setting intentions and aligning your energy with your goals. Even if things don’t go exactly as planned, the act of planning itself is a powerful tool for self-reflection and growth.

When you take the time to envision your week, you’re not just scheduling tasks—you’re checking in with yourself. You’re asking, “What do I want to accomplish? How do I want to feel? What actions can I take to align with the life I want to live?” This is a form of spiritual practice, much like meditation or tarot, where the process is just as important as the outcome.

The Challenge of Sticking to Plans

Let’s face it—planning can be intimidating. Many of us have tried and failed to stick to a routine or a plan, and that can lead to a sense of defeat. But here’s why you should keep planning, even if you don’t always follow through: it’s about finding a rhythm that works for you. Over time, as you continue to engage in this practice, you’ll discover the structure and strategy that best supports your energy and lifestyle.

For some, a detailed, color-coded planner might be the key to success. For others, a more flexible, overarching view of the week might be more effective.


Mercury Retrograde and the Energetic Impact

As of the writing of this post, we’re in the midst of Mercury retrograde, which can often make everything feel a bit more challenging. Technology glitches, communication breakdowns, and general slowdowns are common during this time.

It’s easy to get frustrated when things aren’t going smoothly. That’s why it’s so important to know when to hold (push through) and when to fold (let go) when faced with obstacles. Is the resistance a sign that you’re on the wrong path? Or is it simply a part of the process, something you need to work through to get to the other side?

Knowing When to Hold and When to Fold

Resistance doesn’t always mean it’s time to fold. Sometimes, it’s just a signal that you need to reassess, tweak your approach, or give yourself more grace. But there are also times when it’s absolutely the right decision to let go. The trick is learning to discern the difference.

Here are a few guidelines:

  1. Assess Your Energy: If something is consistently draining you to the point of physical or emotional exhaustion, it might be time to fold. But if it’s just a temporary challenge, consider holding on and pushing through.

  2. Check Your Expectations: Are you expecting things to be easy? Are you comparing your journey to others? Remember, everyone’s path is different, and what looks easy from the outside often involves a lot of unseen effort.

  3. Listen to Your Body: If you’re feeling full-body exhaustion or illness from a situation, it’s a strong sign that you need to let go. Your health and well-being should always come first.

  4. Prioritize What Matters Most: When faced with FOMO (fear of missing out), get clear on your priorities. What’s most important to you right now? Focus on that, and let go of the rest.

  5. Create Space for Something New: Sometimes, folding on one thing creates space for something even better. Don’t be afraid to let go if it means making room for new opportunities.


Embrace Grace and Flexibility

As you move through your week and your life, remember to embrace grace. Be kind to yourself when things don’t go as planned. Allow yourself the flexibility to change course if needed. And most importantly, trust yourself to know when to hold and when to fold.

Life is full of challenges and opportunities. The key is to approach each one with a balance of determination and discernment. By doing so, you’ll navigate your journey with more ease, joy, and fulfillment.

So, here’s to holding on where it counts and folding where it’s needed. You’ve got this!