On today’s episode we are exploring the concept of duality and archetype balance and delving into the relationship between our strengths and weaknesses.


Embrace the paradox: It’s crucial to understand that our strengths can also be our weaknesses, and vice versa. By recognizing this dual nature within ourselves, we can uncover hidden aspects and bring balance to our lives.


Equinox symbolism: As we transition from summer to fall, the changing seasons mirror the quest for balance. Just like the equal parts of light and dark, we can examine where we lean too heavily on our strengths or weaknesses and strive for equilibrium.


Archetypal exploration: Discovering your expansion archetype can provide valuable insights into your current energy and perception. Whether you know your archetype or not, understanding the interplay between creation and constriction energies can shed light on imbalances in your life.


Get ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and find the balance between your strengths and weaknesses.