
Summer solstice is just around the corner! The summer solstice, also known as Midsummer, marks the longest day of the year, a beautiful time of light, growth, and powerful transformation. At The Sisters Enchanted, we cherish these markers as they remind us of the rhythm of life, offering a perfect opportunity to reset, release old patterns, and embrace our shadows.

In today’s blog post, we’re going to explore the magic of the summer solstice, dive into the practice of shadow work, and share some fun and meaningful ways to celebrate this season of light.

The Summer Solstice: A Time of Light and Reflection

The summer solstice, typically occurring around June 21st, is the tipping point of the year, where the days start to get shorter. This period of maximum daylight is a powerful reminder of the cycles we go through in life. It’s a time to bask in the light, but also to recognize and integrate our shadows. Just as the sun illuminates the world, it also casts shadows, highlighting areas that might need our attention.

At The Sisters Enchanted, we align the summer energy with shadow work. This might surprise some, as shadow work is often associated with darker, more introspective times. However, the bright, supportive energy of summer provides a perfect backdrop for this deep inner work. The light of the sun helps to reveal our shadows, making it easier to see, acknowledge, and transform them.


Why Shadow Work in the Summer?

You might wonder, why do shadow work during the lightest time of the year? Here’s the magic: shadow work isn’t about diving into darkness alone; it’s about bringing light to those hidden parts of ourselves. The fiery energy of summer can supercharge this process. We have the warmth of the sun, the extended daylight, and the playful energy of the season to support us. This makes summer an ideal time to explore our inner worlds, release what no longer serves us, and create space for new growth.

Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

  1. Create a Sacred Space:Set up a special area with elements that reflect the energy of the sun. Think yellow, orange, and fiery colors. Fresh flowers, sun symbols, and anything that feels summery to you will enhance your sacred space.

  2. Shadow Work Ritual:Engage in a shadow work ritual by meditating on your shadows. Consider what parts of yourself you’ve been avoiding or neglecting. Use the light of the solstice to bring these aspects into awareness, offering them love and acceptance.

  3. Honor the Bees:Bees are vital pollinators and a symbol of summer’s abundance. Create a small altar or garden area dedicated to the bees. Plant flowers they love, like lavender and sunflowers, and spend time appreciating their role in nature’s cycle.

  4. Inner Child Play:Embrace your inner child by engaging in playful activities. Make fairy houses, play with clay, color mandalas, or simply spend time in nature. This kind of play can be deeply healing and a powerful part of shadow work.

  5. Solar Plexus Visualization:The solar plexus chakra, located just below your rib cage, is your personal sun center. Visualize this chakra radiating bright, golden light, filling you with confidence and energy. Imagine this light expanding, filling the room around you with your powerful presence.


The Power of Release

The summer solstice is also a time for releasing what no longer serves us to make space for new growth. Just as we clear out clutter from our homes, we must also clear emotional and energetic clutter from our lives. This can be anything from old habits and beliefs to unresolved emotions and limiting patterns.

Consider what you need to release to step into the next version of yourself. Is it a habit of self-soothing through unhealthy means? Is it a fear of stepping into your power at work? Whatever it is, the solstice provides the perfect energy for letting go. As you release, envision what you want to create in that space. This intentional clearing and creating will lead to profound transformation (if you let it, of course).

As we approach the summer solstice, take some time to reflect on the past six months. What have you learned? What have you grown from? What shadows have come to light, and how have you worked with them? Use this period to celebrate your growth, acknowledge your shadows, and set intentions for the second half of the year.

We encourage you to embrace this solstice with a sense of wonder and openness. Tap into the playful, transformative energy of summer and see where it leads you!


If you’re part of our student community, we’d love to hear about your experiences. Share your insights, reflections, and any shifts you’ve noticed in our student community space. Let’s celebrate our growth together and support each other in stepping into our power!