
When it comes to astrology, we often focus on our Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, but there’s a shadowy point in your chart that you’ll want to know about—Black Moon Lilith. For those of us standing at a crossroads with one path leading to more of the same and the other leading to something wild and nerve wracking, Lilith is the missing puzzle piece that connects us to our untamed nature and helps us reclaim the parts of ourselves that have been hidden, shamed, or silenced.

What is Black Moon Lilith?

In astrology, Black Moon Lilith isn’t a planet or a star; it’s a point in your chart that represents the farthest point of the Moon’s orbit around Earth. It’s the shadow of the Moon, a marker of where we experience rejection, suppression, and the darker, more primal parts of our feminine energy—whether you identify as female or not. Lilith is the embodiment of the fierce, unapologetic, rebellious energy that refuses to bow down to societal norms or expectations.

This point in your birth chart reveals where you might feel unaccepted or out of step with societal values, but it’s also where your raw power lies. It’s the place that can show you how to reclaim your deepest sense of self and step fully into your magic.


Why Black Moon Lilith Matters to You

If you’re feeling like you’re at a crossroads in life—caught between the expectations of the world around you and the call to live authentically—Lilith should peak your interest. Many witchy women, especially those reclaiming their spiritual practices, feel drawn to Lilith because she represents the parts of us that have been cast aside by patriarchal structures. For centuries, feminine power has been twisted into something dangerous or shameful, and Lilith stands as the archetype of the woman who refuses to be tamed.

For the emerging witch, the seeker, the woman toeing the line between the religion she grew up with and the new spiritual path she’s blazing, Black Moon Lilith is a point of liberation. By working with Lilith, you can confront your deepest fears around rejection and embrace your full power—especially the parts of you that society tells you to keep small and hidden.

3 Empowering Thoughts to Take Away

My Shadow Holds My Strength

Lilith shows us that the parts of ourselves we’ve been taught to hide—our anger, our sensuality, our rebelliousness—are actually sources of deep power. Instead of suppressing these aspects, Lilith invites you to work with them. What would it feel like to embrace your shadow and know that your strength lies in the very things you’ve been taught to fear?

I Am Not Here to Be Controlled

Lilith is the energy of sovereignty. She refuses to be dominated by anyone or anything. In your chart, Lilith can show you where you may feel the most restricted or suppressed by external expectations, whether from family, society, or culture. This is your reminder that your life is yours to lead. You have the right to set your own terms and boundaries—and to fiercely protect them.

My Magic Lies in My Authenticity

Working with Lilith is a call to authenticity. You can no longer afford to hide who you are or dim your light for the sake of comfort. Lilith’s energy is here to remind you that your true power is in embracing your whole self, even the messy, shadowy parts. It’s from this place of authenticity that your magic will flourish, and you’ll step into your purpose with confidence and clarity.

Black Moon Lilith in astrology offers us an invitation to step into our wild, unbound, and unapologetic selves. For those of us drawn to witchy practices and seeking to create a life that feels enchanted, Lilith is the permission slip to stop being small and reclaim the power, passion, and purpose that we’ve always carried within. Embrace the wisdom Lilith brings and begin living in alignment with the full, authentic version of you—shadow and all.