Creating A Home That Feels like a Sacred Space

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What is a sacred space? It’s something that feels special to you.

On this episode of the Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sara and Anna discuss how they each have their own takes on homes as a sacred space. Sara is often on the road with her family, so for her, the ability to have things that help create that sacred space on the ready to pack up and go (hello Sagittarius!) is super important. For Sara, Home is where the Heart is.

And those items look different than the sacred space Anna creates. For Anna, it’s more about individual nooks for designated things throughout her home, (hello Virgo Stellium) and tons of plants. For Anna, Home is where the Plants are.

What does a sacred space look like for you? Do you have boundaries for certain areas? Are there specific rules for being in a space? Are special things out of reach or do you integrate them into your everyday space? 

There is no right or wrong way to create that sacred space throughout your home, since it is specific to each individual and you need to find a flow that works for you and your family. 

Here are some tips from the Sisters on creating your sacred space, or working within your sacred space:

  1. Make it yours
  2. If your space is small, pack your own quest pack type sacred space (read more about quest packs here) that you can move with you from room to room.
  3. Enact boundaries around these spaces as best you can
  4. Some energetic dusting or light cleaning can help you feel supported
  5. Know yourself, if keeping your space tidy helps you move forward, allow yourself to clean your space regularly
  6. Make sure your house functions for what you need.

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