7 Ways to Make Everyday Magic Today

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On this episode of the Expedition to Soul Podcast, Sara and Anna break down some ways to bring Every Day Magic into your life! Also included in this episode, you’ll hear from one of our Holistic Witchery students, Naomie, on how she brings some everyday magic into her life. Covered in this episode are the seven tips below. Listen now to hear all the details, but for a quick overview…


7 Ways to Make Everyday Magic Today


Work a little more magic into your mornings. It could be as simple as adding some cinnamon to your coffee, using a favorite utensil to stir it up, or special herbs.

Front Door

Cleaning your front door, cleaning your front stoop, making space around the door so it can open all of the way. Your front door is a space where you are receiving and what is that saying about your energetic home space. 

The Images and Art in Your Home

If you create your own art, especially painting, use solar water set with intention to clean utensils or for water in your water colors. Surround yourself with energizing colors or colors that help with an intention you want to focus on. For example, if you need to feel more grounded, use some red elements (the root energy center) around your home. Surround yourself with art to create the feeling you’d like to be having.


This applies to indoor or outdoor gardens. Write intentions on stones and plant them under your plant. Plants are a great place to put some crystals as well. Bring some self-love into your life with a plant you love and incorporate some rose quartz around the base of the plant. Use solar or moon water to help water your plants as well.

Your Stove

The stove is a center of abundance, and traditionally, where you kept your house warm. Always keep it cleaned off, or a little plate as a small altar set with an intention (to be removed when using the stove), or perhaps a candle. Anna likes to leave her 2 favorite pots on her stove more so they are more on display.

Bath and Body Products

Thinking about what you’re putting on your body is everyday magic and a way to send some love and loving words into your body. Perhaps use a favorite scent, or try writing a word with your lotion and rubbing that in. Taking it to the next level, and a little more potion like, make your own bath and body care, scrubs or whipped lotions.

What You Consume Inside Your Living Space

Anything that goes into your mind and body in your space. Think about what you watch or read and how that can have an impact on your energy and your mind, and the energy you’re experiencing in your space. Become aware of what’s going into your energy and how that’s affecting your body.

What are some ways you practice everyday magic? Do you have some favorites? Share them in the comments!

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