Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Astrocast for the week of May 16 – May 22

Sarah’s Three Tips for the Week Ahead

This week sees the second eclipse of the year, with the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This is time for shadow work, especially around Scorpio’s deep need for power and control.

  1. Make some time for some deep shadow work.
  2. Let go of things that control you in ways that are not in alignment with your intention.
  3. Let go of power struggles that are taking up your time and energy
Anna’s Tarot Pull for the Week Ahead

The Darkness of Light Tarot
Queen of Wands and King of Wands

Scorpio Full Moon

Full Moon In Scorpio Tarot Spread

  1. Deeper Meaning – Where in life do I need to look deep and find deeper meaning?
  2. Celebration – What recent growth and transformation should I be celebrating?
  3. Growth – Where do I need more growth and transformation?
  4. Truth – Where in life am I not living to my authenticity and truth?
  5. Surrender – What do I need to surrender on this Full Moon to make way for deeper transformation?

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