Listen in while Team TSE discusses what The Sisters Enchanted means to them and their tip for manifesting a quick hundred dollars!

Celebrating Our 100th Podcast: Gratitude and Tips for Manifesting $100

Throw out the confetti! Drop the balloons! We are celebrating our 100th Podcast episode!! Not only that, we are also celebrating our Podcast reaching the top 100 (at 72 at the time of recording) in Spiritual Podcasts, out of many hundreds of thousands. We are all so grateful to you, our listeners and wonderful Sisters Enchanted Community. So, to celebrate, we gathered The Sisters Enchanted Team to talk about what they all love the best about their work and, in this 100th episode, to share their tip for conjuring, for manifesting, for creating 100 extra dollars. What we would do, what we would suggest you do to call in that coin today if you need to, or any day, because why not? It’s 100 episodes, our gift to you. 

What We Love Best About the Sisters Enchanted

Sarah Milne, Content Creatrix and Co-Astrology Teacher:

I think the best thing is the community, the women, all of us, the team and the community and the Facebook groups and everybody who we reach. They are just amazing women and they just make me so happy all the time. And it’s just such a privilege, a real privilege to be involved, coming up with ideas and sharing ideas, to discuss something as a team and develop something and share it. And then just to see these things in use and how lives are being touched and changed. And people are having a-ha moments about themselves or about a situation. It’s just such a privilege. You couldn’t do anything better!  I get so emotional sometimes. I really do. I feel so proud and feel so proud of the team and so proud of the community and students. 

I just love seeing how women are using magic in their everyday lives and discovering magic within themselves. And like we really see that increased joy and abundance of everything in life that comes from that.

Megan, Customer Support Fairy, and Sara and Anna’s real-life little sister:

When Sara and Anna started the Sisters Enchanted several years ago, I was still a teenager, which is crazy. And I admired it so much. I thought it was so crazy because I had also had a fascination with tarot, crystals, the metaphysical, all that. And I had no idea that Sara and Anna felt the same way. So, when they started the Sisters Enchanted, I felt connected to them in a way that I never had because we didn’t grow up together. So that was really special for me. 

And then early last year after COVID hit and I lost my previous job, Sara offered me some work part-time and that turned into me becoming our Customer Support Fairy. It has been super rewarding to talk to everyone and be able to be helpful and be able to help Sara and Anna make the Sisters Enchanted what it is today as well. So, to say the Sisters Enchanted has changed my life would be an understatement. I’ve never enjoyed a job more to be quite frank. 

Jen, Community Manager: 

I absolutely am honoured to be a part of the team. I joined the Sisters Enchanted in the summer of 2016, right when they started. And I have been hanging around for the last five years and I do not regret one bit of it. I have been able to meet so many awesome people and connect and share what I know and learn things from everybody. And I’m so honored now to also be the manager of all of the groups to help you, guide you, and make you the best magical people that you can be. 

Sara, Founder of the Sisters Enchanted:

The Sisters Enchanted has changed my life in immeasurable ways. I am so privileged to have got to know all of our community members. Everybody who’s ever registered for a free class with us, our Holistic Witchery program Enchanted Journey, Expedition Astrology, our tarot programs, Society of Business Witchery, any of our events, whatever you have joined us for, everybody who’s been in Expedition to Soul, our free classes over the years, who’s on our email list, who listens to this podcast or YouTube channel, wherever you find us, I am so beyond grateful for you and privileged to learn and grow from our community every day. I always say that we are awesome because our community is awesome. And that is the truth, hands down.

Anna, Co-Founder, The Sisters Enchanted: 

I could  not be more thankful for The Sisters Enchanted and the community we have here. I am grateful everyday for being able to be apart of all this magic, and share it with so many people. Thank you all soo much for being here and making magic, changing your own lives, and that of others! 100 episodes! Wowzers! The podcast has been a source of endless fun for Sara and I, thank you so much for being here and giving us a listen! 

Christina, Executive Assistant:

One of the best parts of being part of the Sisters Enchanted was the people that I’ve met along the way. I have met some women in this group who are now family to me, we’ve travelled across the U.S. to see each other. It’s been absolutely amazing. And the fact that now I work for the Sisters Enchanted is amazing. I get to now give back to this community who has helped me through so much, who have given me so much in my life and I’m loving it. I love seeing all the women in the community transform and grow and step into their spiritual self, step into the magic. I love to see the transformation. So, the fact that I get to work on a team where we’re making magic every day and the team, we all are amazing. Everybody brings such a wonderful aspect to The Sisters Enchanted, and it’s just blooming.

Our Tips for Manifesting $100

Sarah:  Create the mindset to receive and try a money bag

I think the most important thing is to believe that you have it already, to act like you have it already, to be grateful for it. We say it all the time, but it’s so important – give gratitude for all you will feel and be able to do when you have what you are manifesting. Also, feel like you really deserve it and believe in it. I think it’s really important to think how you will use it for the good for your highest self and for others as well, how that money is going to help yourself and other people in a positive way.

I’ve made money bags before when I needed money and I wrote down how much I wanted, what I needed it for, why that was so important to me, how grateful I was for it and how this would be really important for myself and my highest good and for the highest good of others. I sprinkled cinnamon over the paper and put it in a little bag with green aventurine in, some pine and some little bits and pieces that I could find that were related to what I needed the money for. I carried that around with me until the money came.

Megan: Welcome with gratitude

My tip for manifesting $100 is opening your mind and using, “I welcome abundance” as a mantra. You can even make it your screensaver to always remind you. And then whenever you come into money, be sure to thank the universe. Thank whoever you follow, make sure you thank them for the opportunity to create abundance in your life. Thanks for listening.

Jen: Candle Magic

And my manifestation, my money manifestation, tip for you is a super quick candle spell. All you need is a green candle and a toothpick, something to write with, and on the candle carve in all of the things that you are trying to bring in money-wise. So, if you need a new car, write car on there, or you’re looking to get some new makeup, write it all on the candle, then hold that candle right to your heart and really feel those things like they’ve already happened. 

Then go ahead and light your candle. And as it’s burning, again think about these things as they’re already happening, and that money is coming in and the abundance is coming into you so that you can get those things that you wrote on your candle. 

When it’s burned down, take a little piece of the wax and just stick it in your wallet and carry it around with you so that it is calling to the abundance around you. Then be really be mindful of any little thing that happens. Even if you find something on the ground, a penny, make sure you say thank you because a part of manifesting is action and also gratitude. 

Sara: ‘Practical Magic’ 

How to make 100 bucks, how to conjure it, manifest it, create it out of thin air. I’m just kidding. It’s not going to come out of thin air! As always, I’m dropping the practical witchery knowledge on you. 

Grab a piece of paper and write 100 things you’re grateful for. Gratitude breeds gratitude and abundance. Next, work on a comprehensive list, again, aim for 100 things you can do to make money right now, whether that is helping a neighbour clean out the garage for 50 bucks, maybe you have something laying around your house you can sell. Maybe you have a bill, like an insurance refund or claim that you haven’t claimed yet. What are 100 things you can do to find $100?

What you do with those pieces of paper is up to you, but you can tuck them away under your pillow, you can create a little home alter space for them, you can anoint them with some grapeseed oil, that’s lots of abundance there. You can burn them. 

Then start showing your higher self that you’re ready to get that money by doing something from that list of 100 things and watch that abundance grow and grow.

Christina: Do what you love!

I would say the best way to make that extra $100 you should put yourself out there in the world, offering something to the world that you’re good at. If you’re a tarot reader, offer some tarot readings out there. If you make a craft, put a bunch of crafts out there and start talking about it. Doing that also gets you out there having fun and doing what you love. 

Anna: Make money rain down on you each morning!

Now you might think it sounds a little bit silly, but I think it’s lots of fun. And I think that you should try it. I think that every morning when you take your shower as part of your morning routine, that you need to stand under that shower, with the water raining down on you, and you need to envision it washing away your money blocks and turning that water into money. Making it rain money of abundance down on you.  In your head, you need to repeat, “make money money, make money money” and let it rain, make it rain in your morning shower every day. And that’s my money manifestation tip to you.