Join Sara and Anna this week as they continue talking money!

The World Needs Wealthy Witches and Your Money Stories Play a Part

We have been looking at money stories and manifesting abundance over the past few podcast episodes. Here we are continuing that theme as we talk about your past, present and future money stories and why we firmly believe that this world needs more wealthy witches, and what your story has to do with that. 

Past, Present and Future Money Stories

We talked about how important money stories are in manifesting financial abundance a few weeks ago link to Podcast 99. Now, we want you to consider how your money stories fit into your life timelines – your past, present and future. 

When we talk of past lives, this can mean to many a previous life that your soul experienced before this one,  but your past life can also be a version of you that essentially doesn’t exist anymore  – your childhood self, teenager self, yourself before a big transformation in life.  We have a timeline that runs through our life from past, present to the future but, at the same time, our past and future is happening alongside our present.  It’s a lot like the rungs on a ladder – they are all parallel, all running together.  Right at this moment, you are carrying stories from your childhood – your past lives. Those past lives impact on you make decisions and your money decisions, how you spend money, how you earn money, how you ask for money, how you save money, all of the ways you think about money and interact with it.  Your future life is also running alongside your present life whenever you think about where you want to be and how you wish things could be, how you think things should be if only X, Y, and Z hadn’t happened. Every time you come to a new financial situation, you have to check in with that timeline and see how it’s informing your new situation because they are living together all the time.

It is important to look at how your past money stories are informing you right now and your vision for the future.

Are your past and present money stories on the consciousness level as the story you want to create? If they are not in alignment, that future story is going to be really hard for you to write.

Do you have some lost ‘inner child’ or other past life problems to deal with because these are not allowing you to manifest the future timeline that you want? Unconscious feelings relating to past money experiences and stories can come up as blocks when you try to manifest a different future. 

Why the World Needs Wealthy Witches

Here at The Sisters Enchanted, we strongly believe that the world needs wealthy witches! One of the biggest past money story blocks we come across is that witchy women should not be money focuses and that witches tend to be poor.  One of the most common emails we get from people is this email saying, “Do you know that most people can’t afford anything. You should give everything away for free!” 

That is not okay. More witchy women should be wealthy because we care, we’re empathetic, we’re intuitive, we are wise. We can change the world with money. We can donate to causes, start foundations, wealthy witches can do a huge amount of good with their money! 

We all need to look at our money stories, to do this work to change our money mindsets, not just for ourselves and for our families, but for the greater good of everybody and the world! 

But I know that the world needs more wealthy witches and how we are going to make that happen, I don’t know. We all need to do these money stories, this money work, and do the hard work of making it happen. We need to show up! To make these changes.

An important lesson Sara has learned through her own self-employment journey is that it’s a heck of a lot easier to make money than it is to accumulate the same amount of money by saving. You can go a lot further for yourself and for the world by figuring out ways to make extra cash than trying to scrimp and save. 

Just changing your mindset around money, thinking about your vision and how your past and present stories are going to keep you from getting to that vision you want to manifest can be really super powerful. 

Do the work, people. Witches are going to change the world if they have enough money to do it!


Download this episode’s transcript here.