So, if you haven’t noticed, we skipped a week. In true technological fashion. there were some technical difficulties and it will only work on Facebook, so here is the link . Once you have had a chance to watch that, let’s move on!

You can’t have a great home if you don’t set a good foundation. You also can’t manifest amazing things if you are always noticing the negative rather than the positive. We talked a lot about gratitude in the first part of this series to start to build your foundation.

Once you start to think about what you are grateful for, then you can sprinkle little reminders around your house in the form of little alters or just a picture on the wall to remind you of what you want.

Now that you have little reminders everywhere, it’s time to declutter your area so it’s a place you want to be there and spend time there.

Lastly, it’s time to COOK UP SOME MAGIC! Check out this video to hear more about this kitchen witchery and turn your mundane magical!


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instagram: @the_sisters_enchanted

