From starseed meaning to common beliefs about extraterrestrials, we’re chatting about all of it on this week’s podcast episode. 

Why are we talking about this topic that is a little outside the norm for us here at The Sisters Enchanted? All year long in our Enchanted Journey program which is exclusively open to those who have completed Holistic Witchery, our topic has been the Seen and Unseen. Exploring all that we know to be true because we can see it and what we know to be true but can’t see, it where magic happens.  

It’s in the knowing but seeing. 

And, what’s more unseen than soul energy or life that begins somewhere that can’t be seen? 

We already know what our community has to say about the word witch, but what do we all think about the idea of starseeds and extraterrestrials? 

Phone home, magic folk because today we’re talking ET’s and we don’t mean everyone’s (sans Sara’s) favorite homeland invader and classic movie star.  

Other than the subject of an 80’s movie and of Sara’s nightmares, what is an ET?  

ET or Extraterrestrial: a hypothetical or fictional being from outer space, especially an intelligent one. Commonly referred to as aliens.  

Plato first told the story of Atlantis in 360 B.C. and stated that the extremely advanced ancient civilization had been founded and built by half-human half-god peoples. Because of the potential connection between extraterrestrials and heavenly beings, it may not be a stretch to hypothesize that these “half-god” peoples could have been extraterrestrials themselves. There is even speculation that perhaps the idea of angels came from extraterrestrial experiences! Atlantis isn’t the only mythical place thought to be inhabited by extraterrestrials.

As some people believe the energies of Atlantis and Lemuria are extraterrestrial and still with us today, there are those who are thought to be connected to these energies. Those people are starseeds.

Lemuria is a “lost continent” whose existence was first proposed in the 1800’s. This continent was said to have sunk in the Indian Ocean. The theory of Lemuria was proposed in response to the presence of lemur fossils in Madagascar and India, when no such fossils were found in Africa or the Middle East.

This means that there was no conceivable way that these lemurs were able to migrate between the two areas if there was no evidence of them having crossed through Africa and the Middle East. Due to this interesting turn of events, the idea of Lemuria was born.

Founder of theosophy and occultist Helena Blavatsky included Lemuria in her religious doctrine. Blavatsky claimed that the inhabitants of Lemuria are the ancient ancestors of today’s humankind, dubbed the Lemurians. The Western popularity of the myth of Lemuria and its mysterious inhabitants is largely credited to Blavatsky’s writings.

As some people believe the energies of Atlantis and Lemuria are extraterrestrial and still with us today, there are those who are thought to be connected to these energies. Those people are starseeds.  

A starseed is a spiritually advanced being or soul that originates from distant space, be it a separate planet, solar system, galaxy etc. The idea is that these starseeds are being evolved beyond humanity, and they are full of wisdom. It’s also thought that starseeds have special abilities or even gifts!  

Starseeds may feel:  

      • Nostalgia and a sense of longing when watching the stars 
      • Full of wonder at the mysteries of the cosmos 
      • That there’s something about your past that you can’t quite unlock, something more to your story 
      • A longing to travel through the galaxies and meet otherworldly beings 
      • A strong connection to a particular star cluster or constellation  
      • A feeling of being different, of not belonging here on earth. 
      • Strong sense of empathy, intelligence, and/or intuition 
      • Animals and children are drawn to you 

The most commonly referenced starseeds are the Pleiadians! What is a Pleiadian? A Pleiadian is a very loving, creative starseed being hailing from the star cluster Pleiades. Pleidians are born of a realm of love and creativity, and were sent to earth to help us, humanity, move toward the golden age of existence.  

A Pleiadian starseed may be:  

      • Sensitive 
      • Emotionally intelligent 
      • Intuitive
      • Nurturing 
      • Empathetic 
      • Good communicators 
      • Drawn to healing practices (reiki, counselling)  
      • A water sign, drawn to marine life if they originated from Lemuria
      • Suffering from anxiety or depression if they’re unaligned

Rather than the souls of an earth human, starseed souls never had roots here on Earth. Instead, their souls are from another place and were sent here to complete a mission of some kind to aid humanity!

Do any of these resonate with you beyond just the picking feeling of curiosity? Maybe you’re a starseed! Rather than the souls of an earth human, starseed souls never had roots here on Earth. Instead, their souls are from another place and were sent here to complete a mission of some kind to aid humanity!

Overall, it is thought that most starseeds’ missions are to help pave the way for innovation, creativity, understanding, and expansion on Earth. As a starseed, it can sometimes be difficult to feel grounded. Large, heavy crystals or something particularly old, for example a petrified piece of wood, can help you feel grounded. Pastel toned crystals, such as amethyst, can be great for connecting to your inner starseed soul as well! 

Some other starseed families include:

Arcturian – Arcturus, the brightest star in the Bootes Constellation

Orion – Orion, the constellation

Lyran – Vega, the brightest planet in the Lyra constellation

Sirian – Sirius A and B planets, within the Canis Major constellation

Andromedan – Andromeda, the spiral shaped galaxy

Pleiadians are thought to be the most common starseed, while Andromedan are believed to be the rarest, as they have the most difficulty adjusting to life on earth and retain the least of their interstellar energies. An Andromedan is said to have the gift of accessing the Akashic Records any time they please, a feat that usually requires months, if not years of spiritual training. 

If this whole thing is making you feel a little uneasy, that’s a great indication that the feeling is worth exploring. Learn more about diving into your own person shadows here. 

What do you think of extraterrestrials? What do you believe and where’s that line for you? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to read your point of view! 


Sara truly is horrified by E.T.  

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Check out the podcast on Extraterrestrials and Everyday Magic here!