Fairy Tale Witch

I’ve been obsessed with all things magical and witch-tastic since I was a kid. From Disney® witches to pop culture witches to fairy tale witches and everything in between, I was all in on those who were perceived to be the “villain” in any story.

It was in adulthood that I started to understand why I was so very drawn to these characters.

Often misunderstood, usually frowned upon, and always standing out in a crowd, I could see myself in them.

In fact, there are often MORE questions to be asked about the other characters in these popular plot lines than of the witches.

I don’t think that there is any one definition of the word ‘witch’ that is the right one or the most meaningful, but I do think that we should consider the characters that have informed our understanding of the word and how it is that we came to claim or reject the word because of that understanding.

Here are a few questions that you can use as a card spread or as journal prompts:

~What can I learn from Cinderella’s fairy godmother?

~How does my perception of Cinderella’s fairy godmother influence me?

~What can I learn from Mother/Dame Gothel (the witch in Rapunzel)?

~How does my perception of Mother/Dame Gothel influence me?

~If you’re using this as a card spread, you can lay them out all in a row from 1-4.

Anna and I chatted on this topic on this week’s podcast and YouTube episode of Magic on the Inside.

Check it out below!

Fairy Tale Witches Podcast!

You can also watch the podcast here on youtube!