Five Tips To On Working with a Sun Deity

The Sun is the bestower of light and life to everything on Earth. Solar deities reflect the archetype of the Sun –  sovereign and all-seeing. 

They reflect powerful energies within us, such as our inner light, wisdom, strength and creativity. Working with a Sun Deity can help you to explore the archetype of the Sun in your own life.

With the Sun in its full strength, the summer is the perfect time to delve in and work with a Sun Deity to help you harness your own inner Solar Power!

Some of our favorite Sun Deities are: 

Helios, or Titan, the Greek Sun God who drove a chariot across the sky daily from east to west across then sailed around the northerly stream of Ocean each night in a huge cup.

Apollo, the Olympian God of the Sun and of light, as well as music and poetry, healing, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture.

Sol, or Sunna the Goddess and personification of the Sun in Norse mythology. Sol and her  brother Mani would travel across the sky as the Sun and Moon as the wolves, Skoll and Hati, continuously chased after them. This caused the movement of the Sun and the Moon and the passage of day and night. Eclipses occured when one of the wolves caught one of the siblings. 

Ra, the Egyptian king of all deities and father of creation. Ra was believed to be the patron and personification of the Sun, as well as the god  of heaven, kingship, power, and light.

Amaterasu is the  Shinto Sun goddess, who brought light to all the world. However, whenever she was angered, such as after an argument with her brother Susanoo, the storm god, she would retreat into a cave, leaving  the world in darkness.

For more information on these, and other Sun deities, check out

Our Top Tips on Working With a Deity

1. Choose a deity that you feel a connection with, perhaps one who faced similar challenges you are facing and whose story can give you a useful template for your own growth and self-development.

2. Take a deep dive into their story, life and mythology.  

Read different versions of their story. 

3. Invest time in forming a personal relationship with your chosen deity. Journal about how you connect with them and how their story inspires you. If you work with Tarot or Oracle cards, pull cards to explore what your intuition is telling you about how this deity can help you in your life. 

4. Research and work with  one deity at a time to get a feel for their energy and how working with them can benefit you.

5. Go into it with an open mind and from a place of respect and understanding and finding the right energies and stories that resonate with you will come easy!