The full moon is once again upon us, friends! This coming full moon is in Aquarius, an air sign. Air signs can be characteristic of the gathering of intelligence, and Aquarius specifically values the knowledge of the group over the knowledge of the individual. You may find Aquarius in positions of leadership because they like to be the knowledgeable “point person.” They like the feeling of having people come to them for questions and enjoy being considered the person with the answers. When they truly believe in something, they make it a personal mission to educate others on what they consider fact and how they got to that point of knowledge. Aquarius energy wants to be larger than life and oftentimes part of something bigger!  

As air signs are amazing times to focus on knowledge, now is also a great opportunity to study or take that class that you’ve been considering for a long time! An excellent practice for this time would also be to educate yourself on something that you find interesting and debate with a person who holds different beliefs about the subject than you do. Why would this be helpful? Because Aquarius energy can be so stubborn, it can be difficult to hear other’s opinions and beliefs and give them the proper consideration before dismissing them. Finding someone who is equally knowledgeable in a subject but with differing opinions can force one to give the time and consideration to a new school of thought than they otherwise might have!  

 As the moon moves through Aquarius, this is a terrific time to focus on matters of emotion or of the mind. This is an occasion to finally let out those feelings that you may have been holding back and to analyze them! The Full Moon is also when you should focus internally. Aquarius energy has us working on our emotions, the full moon is in full support and encourages internal and shadow work, which is very important. Aquarius also values friendship, but, as stated above, can be defensive and stubborn if their personal beliefs are challenged.  The shadow aspect of Aquarius is this defensive stubbornness and the need to be right, so its important to remember this and take heed. Other people’s ideas and emotions can be just as important and correct! Remember to make space for those around you, as it can be easy to emotionally trample on those around us surrounding this Aquarius energy!   

The Full Moon may have you feeling drained, sluggish. While the Full Moon begins the half of the lunar cycle that is considered more ‘’passive,” there are still actions that need to be taken! The Full Moon is a great time to practice shadow work  and set the groundwork to practice gratitude. Reflect on what you have received during the first half of this moon cycle and allow yourself to continue to be open to receiving. Consider giving back during this second half of the lunar cycle as well.   

Remember, the moon and its relations in the zodiac affects everyone differently depending on your birth chart! To fully understand how this Aquarius Full Moon will affect you, you should pull up your birth chart! We can learn even more about our intentions and what needs releasing this Full Moon by seeing where we have Aquarius in our charts. Aquarius rules the eleventh house, the house of outward appearances and how you present yourself to the world. This is also the house of friendship! This includes groups such as clubs, work relationships, our social groups, etc. In these groups, we oftentimes make space to make a difference, be it a largescale, world changing difference (as for some of us, this is the ultimate aim) or a smaller change, something that becomes a defining moment for our own personal world. Aquarius’s rule over the eleventh house reinforces the idea of giving back, as acts of philanthropy in a group setting can also be found here.  

Before the moon makes its way into Aquarius on this day, its actually in Capricorn! That means we’ll have some Capricorn energy, assertive and authoritative. As our New Moon was in Cancer, we had that mothering, nurturing energy to feed on and cast our intentions with. If your intentions didn’t quite come to fruition, we can use our Aquarius Full Moon here! We should assess what exactly got in the way of us nurturing ourselves this moon cycle. You can use the stubborn, independent energy of Aquarius to kick around whatever is keeping you from nurturing yourself and stopping those intentions from coming to completion! If your intentions did fail, be sure to check out last week’s podcast and blog “Why Intentions Fail” here. 

Creating your own incense is a marvelous way to include intention into the practice of burning incense! Here’s a recipe specifically for lunar happenings in an air sign:  

  • 3 parts dried archangelica, artemesia, and/or bay leaf  
  • 2 parts pine resin 
  • 1 part dried white rose petals 
  • A few drops of sandalwood oil 

Want to learn more about the zodiac and the lunar cycles? You’re in luck, this recipe was pulled directly from the “Dancing with the Moon” unit of our Holistic Witchery class! Join the waitlist here.

For more information on the coming Full Moon in Aquarius, don’t forget to check out our Astro Forecast, hosted by two of our own resident Astrologers, Anna Tower and Sarah Milne! Click here to see our astro forecast on youtube.  FYI, if you joing our new app, you get the app exclusive forecast notes with our astro forecast.  You can join our app by searching ‘The Sisters Enchanted’ on the app store of your mobile device, or use the app on your browser by going to this link here! 

And last but certainly not least, get some personal insight on what to expect this Full Moon with our Full Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread!  Share your interpretations with us on Instagram or Facebook, we love to see it!  

Check out the podcast on the Aquarius Full Moon here!

You can also watch the podcast here on youtube!

Click on the image for a larger view and to download our Aquarius Full Moon Tarot Spread.