What needs to be done in order to have an abundant harvest? 

That, Magic Makers, is the question.  

Capricorn is the sign that gets stuff done at all costs and with this full moon you can bring some of that energy into the creation of whatever it is that you are trying to bring into this life for yourself.  

Do the hard work of taking action to release all that is in your way and manifest more of what matters.  

Here are a few questions for you to consider: 

  • What does abundance LOOK like for you? 
  • How can you ruthlessly create that into being? 
  • What needs to go for you to make space for what you want? 
  • What does the kind of person look like and act like who is living the future you want for yourself? 

    If you’re an astrology minded person, take some time to have a look at your birth chart. What is in the sign of Capricorn on your chart? This is where the full moon is going to hit particularly hard and be even more powerful for you.  

    If you’re a Capricorn moon, you’re shadow self may be more illuminated than usual during this period. Look closely at your emotional self, reactions, and attachments. There’s probably a good indicator there of what needs to be released so that you can move forward.  

    Check out our latest podcast here!——>

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