The Full Moon in Capricorn this week is a great time to take stock and look back, with gratitude, on all you have achieved so far this year. Capricorn loves to focus us on our goals and ambitions so this is also a good time to check you are balancing this with enough down time for leisure and self-care.

  1. Take some time this week to reflect on your plans and goals for this year – are they all alignment with your authentic self?  Do you need to let any go and release them with this Full Moon?
  2. Can you integrate your plans into your life as it is right now? Do you need to make any adjustments to make your goals more realistic, or make some adjustments in your life and release something with this Full Moon that is preventing you from moving forward with your goals.
  3.  Is there anything you need to do to balance your ambitions with some good self-care?

Plus a card spread for you!

Use this card spread for tarot or oracle cards, runes, or even as journal prompts!

For the top intention card, you can choose this card on purpose or pick it intuitively as you would any other card. Enjoy and be sure to share your spread with us on Instagram by tagging us @the_sisters_enchanted !