Full Moon in Gemini December 19th to Capricorn New Moon January 2nd


Reflect, Dream and Plan Your Experiences

The Gemini twins just want to experience everything in the world and then talk about everything with everyone to compare experiences. The Full Moon is all about giving gratitude and letting go of things that no longer serve you. This is a great Moon to look back and give gratitude for everything this last year has bought you, then imagine and dream up a life that is full of all the things you want to experience and let go of anything that you put in your own way that is holding you back from having just that.

The Sun moves into Capricorn on December 21st, Winter Solstice. Capricorn likes achievements and is motivated to complete and accomplish things. This is a good week for completing anything that you can before the year ends so you can free up time for new projects. Capricorn loves to get planning on big goals so look back to the experiences you dreamed up under the Gemini Full Moon and brainstorm goals you want to achieve next year. Then let the Capricorn energy loose on making plans. Remember though, this is Yule, the dark time of the year, the time to sit with your potential and grow ideas not for action. Reflect on the potential you have that has not been realised in your life yet, dream and make plans then let things grow, plant the seeds and let them sit in the earth to be nourished. 


Celebrate a Joyous Yule!

The Sun is Sextile with Jupiter from December 18th to 21st.  This is a short aspect, just for a few days but brings us feelings of happiness and optimism and can bring us opportunities to thrive and develop ourselves creatively so keep a watch for these over the Yule Season. The Moon is in Leo, bringing us an underlying sense of fun, joy and connection with our inner child so make the most of this and celebrate Yule! We all need some celebrations after this year right!


Saturn Uranus Square – The Bonebreaker!

In the last blog and podcast, we talked about how the eclipse season this year has bought cycles of change. Well, it’s not the only thing!

Probably the most important astrological event of 2021 has been Saturn Square Uranus. This tends to signify times of revolution and this has certainly felt a significant year in many ways, both for the world and in many of our individual lives.

With retrogrades, we have been in the orb of Saturn Square Uranus all year. It was a direct square in February and is again from December 16th for the rest of the year.

This aspect is known as the bonebreaker –  it breaks structures and sets them in new ways. Uranus brings change, sometimes sudden, then Saturn crystalises them. These two planets rule Aquarius and their interaction this year has bought us that Aquarius idea of wanting to change the way things are in the world and the way we think too for the good of everyone. This square can also cause sudden changes in our own lives that then become new structures. 

Look back to February to see if there were changes in your life then that have since become routine or new structures for you. Perhaps you have found new security and stability in these things now? There may be new changes to come but if things have been unpredictable and changeable for you since February, or if big shifts occurred then, it is likely that this second square will being the stability and security you have been waiting for.

Uranus is in Taurus, the planet of value and comfort and the great grounder and lover of peace – a great comforting energy to have in the midst of all of this! Saturn is in Aquarius, with that revolutionary drive to change things but for the benefit of all. You can look at where these signs are in your Birth Chart to see if the influence of this square has played out particularly for you there though it is such a huge astrological event it will almost certainly have impacted all areas of life for us all. 


Moving into 2022 With an Abundance of Intuition, Imagination and Compassion

This time last year, we had that Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter that dawned a new age of Aquarius, Jupiter leaves Aquarius for Pisces on 29th December. With Jupiter expanding all it touches, it may come as a relief when this planet of opportunity and abundance leaves rebellious Aquarius for watery, psychic Pisces.  

Jupiter in Pisces will expand our sense of compassion for others, our imagination and our spirituality. We will be aware of the collective needs of all and our planet too – all very much needed now but draining. Jupiter will be in Pisces until May so be sure to make some strong boundaries and keep a sense of Self during this time. Caring for others is great but don’t get lost in compassion.

Anna, (Left) and Sara of The Sisters Enchanted