November 12, 2o19 brings us a Taurus Full Moon. This Full Moon comes with Mercury in Retrgrade and is a welcome earth based energy during a transformative few weeks. With the Sun and Mercury hanging out in the mysterious sign of Scorpio, let’s use this Taurus energy to balance the elements, and, ourselves.ย 

Here’s what to do for this Full Moon card activity:

1. Choose a card (oracle or tarot). You can choose a card intentionally that you would like to balance OR you can intuitively choose the card that you need to see right now. Place the card down.

2. Get creative! Choose something to represent each of the four elements and place it around the card for the few days around the Full Moon in Taurus. OR, draw or find images, OR, choose four more cards and consider what you need to do to come to balance right now.ย 

3. I suggest leaving these cards out with your additions for a few days around and after the Full Moon. If you can’t leave them out (pets, kids, and nosy roommates anyone?), take a picture and spend some time looking at it each day.ย 

Taurus is a steady sign and one that enjoys life and finds the beauty in all the things. Bring some balance to your chaos right now and find the beauty in the situation.ย 

Happy Full Moon, Enchanted Ones!