
The ever-shifting phases of the moon profoundly influence our energy, moods, and behaviors. Just as the Leo energy immersed us in a roller-coaster of drama and fiery passion, the upcoming New Moon in Virgo is bringing a refreshing shift in the cosmic winds.


From Fire to Earth: The Virgo Transition

When we talk about Virgo energy, we’re discussing an energy grounded in precision, care, and methodical progress. As we transition from the chaotic embrace of Leo—a fire sign known for its flamboyance—we enter the sanctuary of Virgo. Here, the focus shifts from grand gestures to subtle nuances.


Virgo energy is like that diligent gardener, hands coated in earth, nurturing every plant with utmost care. It is a reminder that after every boisterous party comes the need for introspection and self-care. This New Moon beckons you to revisit your core, to shed the extra and keep what truly resonates.


A Time for Wholeness and Health

Under this New Moon, you’re invited to prioritize your well-being—both mental and physical. After basking in Leo’s spotlight, you might find Virgo’s energy offering a sanctuary to rejuvenate. Now is the golden opportunity to recalibrate.


Health: Embrace a routine that aligns with your body and soul. Perhaps it’s time to start that yoga routine, adopt a new diet, or simply take evening walks.


Happiness: Dive deep into what truly makes you happy. Virgo energy is analytical, urging you to declutter your life from what no longer serves you.


Heart Projects: Been procrastinating on a project close to your heart? Harness the meticulous energy of Virgo to delve right in. Whether it’s a novel, an art project, or any venture that’s been on your mind—now is the time.


Crafting Your Moon Cave

To truly honor this New Moon, let’s create a sacred space—a “Moon Cave.”


Choose a cozy corner or room in your house. Adorn it with tapestries, blankets, or sheets that resonate with your spirit. As you lay down a plush carpet of pillows, you’re creating a cushioned world away from the world.


Light up your favorite candles to set the ambiance. Surround yourself with books that have whispered wisdom to you, music that’s moved your soul, and poetry that’s touched your heart. As night descends, let your Moon Cave be your sanctuary. Revel in this space with all things you love, reflecting upon your journey and the new one you’re about to embark on.


A Journey from Chaos to Clarity

The Virgo New Moon is a gentle reminder that amidst the chaos of the universe and our lives, there lies a beautiful order. It’s a call to ground ourselves, to find clarity amidst confusion, and to love ourselves with the same intensity we love others. So, as the New Moon graces the sky, may you find your balance and celebrate the magic of new beginnings.

Take advantage of the energy of this new moon and prioritize your magic!  Join us for our FREE Season of the Witch Virtual Event Series beginning September 21. 

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