I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
The Season of The Witch is fully upon us! This Friday, September 13 is the full Harvest Moon and it finds itself in the mystical sign of Pisces. The veil is thin and our higher Selves are just waiting to be heard as we inch closer to the autumnal equinox and Mabon. With such a liminal time upon us, I’m going to be leaning into my inner knowing and I invite you to do the same.
Rather than whipping up a complex tarot spread that gets your ego self-thinking in overdrive, I’m offering you the suggestion to simply pull two cards at this Full Moon. One for receiving and one for releasing.

With every harvest, we receive the bounty that we worked so hard to cultivate and release the experience that we had cultivating it all at the same time. It’s the release that creates space for something new and exciting to emerge.
After pulling your cards I invite you to hold your card for ‘receive’ in your non-dominant hand and your card for ‘release’ in your dominant hand. It tends to take more emotional energy to release than to receive, though for some of us receiving feels like trying to catch a fly while standing in a bouncy house.
See the experience of receiving and see the experience of releasing while holding your cards. Feel the energy of that moving through your arms and into your heart. Pull it down through your lower body and root it into the ground beneath you while seeing it creep up through your third eye and out the top of your head connecting with all that is and all that will be.
Allow the Full Harvest Moon in Pisces to open you up to hearing what you need to know about your story around receiving and releasing.
Stand before that moon and know that you have it within you to bring your visualizations to life. Dance, cry, pray, chant, or just be.

May the Harvest Moon open the door to the gratitude, abundance, and cleansing that you need so that you can meet the equinox in just a few days with a sense of balance, hope, and joy.